most new things make us nervous its human nature, death is just another something new. Worst case scenario we just cease to be and then you won't care any way. But I believe as most that there is something more than life as we know it, but maybe that just because I want to. All I know is always love like it may be the last time.
JoinedPosts by searching4truth
Death Sucks
by Undecided inthere were twelve actors that i liked that died this year.
most of them were about 10 years older than me.
that means, that if i'm lucky, i've got about 10 years left.
Whats wrong with Hooters?
by pobthespazz injust been looking at an old post about "what jw's are not allowed to do " and one reply was not to eat at hooters, whats that about?.
I have been to my fair share of Hooters and in my experience the girls didn't mind a bit the attention that was given them in fact they seemed to love it. They were "attention whores" if they weren't they would have worked at Denny's. Sure it objectifies women, but you don't think the men that go there aren't being thought of as an object? They are being thought of as a walking talk wallet, a money despensing machine and all they have to do is work their assets properly and the money comes pooring out. The men aren't real people to Hooters girls. If you ask me it's "quid pro quo", everybody knows the game when they walk through the doors.
Nosferatu's School of Dating - Lesson 1.2 - Attraction
by Nosferatu inlesson 1.1 is here:.
for those of you who are wondering when i'm going to get to the subjects of how to ask her out, or how to approach a woman, they're coming, but we need to get your mind on the right track before any of that can happen.. another poster just recently started a thread, asking what women wanted.
Nos ever listen to Tom Leykis
Watchtower and Freemasons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by ZEN ini've been doing this research for several months now on the internet and i can't believe what i'm finding.
watchtower has deep roots in demonic freemasonary cult.
did any of you have more research on it?
thats awsome!! The gb are probably running the freemasons today and they rulle the world.
Faith healing among Witnesses
by free2beme inthere is this guy on television, with the most amazing comb over, that is a faith healer.
his name is benny hinn, and it always seems like when i turn by those christian networks in my channel surfing, i catch a glimpse of this guy.
he is always healing people (supposedly) and doing the slap on the forehead to do this.
Personally when I was in I was taught that god didn't affect our own personal health or that of others like in the first century. Acts of miracles of that sort were supposed to be to identify the first century christians as being GODs people and no longer needed for that. So when I or anyone I heard prayed for god to help someone through an illness or anything difficult for that matter, I was always taught that it was for Jehovah to fortify the person mentally and spiritually. I never took it as asking for a miracle. I guess if anything I thought by doing this it was enabling them to heal themself internally by relieving stress or at least helping to cope with it.
Faith healing among Witnesses
by free2beme inthere is this guy on television, with the most amazing comb over, that is a faith healer.
his name is benny hinn, and it always seems like when i turn by those christian networks in my channel surfing, i catch a glimpse of this guy.
he is always healing people (supposedly) and doing the slap on the forehead to do this.
But God might be a PACKERS fan.
GOD is a Packers fan!!!
What I Learned at the at the 2 Day Assembly...
by becca1 in1- "jehovah does not want us to be rich".
other religions teach that god helps us to become prosperous.
jehovah does not do that.
Is it just me or are they getting worse about asking for money I mean they might as well pass around the plate that they take so much pride in not passiing.
Watchtower condones murder - but make sure you disfellowship for smoking!
by AK - Jeff ini unintentionally hijacked the wanderer's thread regarding a witness mindset - so i post this here to leave his thread on topic..
i know that this in not news to most here - but to some newer 'faders' or 'lurkers' it might be.. jeff .
Don't worry according to todays Watchtower you can get away with smoking also, but only a couple of times if no one finds out. So see they really aren't that hypocrytical you can get away with a couple of murders and a couple of cigaretes.
My Article On Prof. Tom Wessels Online - Evolution, Bible, Climate Change
by Seeker4 ini had posted part of this article earlier, and said when the full text went online, i'd post the link to the magazine.. this is the third issue of a new magazine i'm working on with two friends who started the magazine idea.
the link will bring you to the current cover, and just hit "feature story" on the left hand side.
well done. a fascinating article.
A very dangerous belief!!
by Gill inwe were unfortunate enough to be invited to spend some time with some of my jw relatives the other day.
my husbands jw relatives totally shun us but, my side of the family occassionally 'stoop' to allow us into their presence once in a while.
(a totally worthless occassion in which no 'real' conversation is permitted!).
that is terrible for ones self esteem also to think you can never do anything wrong, it's impossible to meet those expectations so at very best they will grow up depressed not being able to.