JoinedTopics Started by humblepotato
Not Being Invited To Gatherings.
by kennylazo1 inhave you ever found out that your "buddies" from the kingdom hall went out to have fun and did not invite you?
if so how did you feel?.
Jehovah's Witnesses Scripturally Based Position on Child Protection
by humblepotato innews room > legal developments > legal resources.
jehovah's witnesses scripturally based position on child protection.
i am having trouble understanding paragraph 5. it says: .
Registering with
by mann377 inso the wife was sick and stayed home from the meeting.
she tuned in through the phone so she could listen.
she had the phone on speaker and therefore i could overhear what was said.
2 witnesses told me the literature they were handing out were not religious
by charity7 intwo witnesses came to my door the other day and i politely told them that i was not interested.
they told me that it was ok and that what they were handing out was not anything religious.
i told them sorry and that i was still not interested.
Another "good" elder might be getting the axe....
by humblepotato inso our congregation is full of hardliner elders, 3 of them, who are not gentle, kind or loving.. people have either moved away or quit trying because one elder inparticular was going to drive them crazy with all his rules and nit picking and being righteous over much.
(and he is pissed that he hasn't been accepted to the school.
hmmm, i wonder why!).
Do witness children have to be obediant to their disfellowshipped parent if the parents are separated.
by agnosticnow inhi.i am disfellowshipped and separated from my jehovahs witness wife and i am having custody problems with my 13 year old daughter.she has been advised by her mother that she does not have to listen to me and so she dictates to me when she comes to seems i have lost any fatherly authority and my ex wife has given my daughter the ability to go against my wishes in regards to custody arrangements.having grown up a witness i understand that even though a parent is disfellowshipped the child must still obey the biblical command to be obedient to there also teaches that the wife must support her ex husband in regards to parenting.i am trying to find any watchtower/awake articles that support any case i would appreciate any links ,information or advice.. regards pat..
My Issue With the Kingdom Melodies
by humblepotato inthe organization really has some talented people in it.
seriously talented.
artists, musicians, animators, and any other creative venue you can think of.
Introduction - Any Believers?
by Believer ini’ve been reading it for a few of years off and on, but have been a little too ... maybe ... timid to join.
i left the watchtower organization almost 20 years ago but never abandoned my faith and belief in god.
i knew the gb/organization didn’t represent god, so when i lost my faith in them, i managed to keep my faith in an all wise benevolent creator.
Witness Carts - A Vehicle for Significant Decline
by slimboyfat ini was stalking to a jw today about her recent experience on the carts and with being a jw generally.
until this conversation i considered the carts as just an ineffective preaching method and a harmless waste of time.
but now i wonder if the effect of the carts might be to produce noticeable decline in jw numbers.
16 videos....look like....
by Anders Andersen in.... i just looked through some videos on the scientology and the mormon youtube channels.animated whiteboard animations, bad acting, compelling's all the same as the other way around.the similarity is very striking to me.
i wonder why that is....