Congregation name changes are common, and not for any nefarious reason. They usually change the name to reflect a more current reflection of the area. Many, many times territory boundaries change and the old name has no relationship to the current congregation. In Long Beach we had an old old congregation called "Central." It was renamed to "Shoreline" because it is the actual name of the area it covers. Same congregation. "Signal Hill" became "Hillside."
I know that area in Santa Ana. They completely reorganized the area due to the growth in adjuct cities, Tustin, Irvine etc. The freeway widen where the old hall was and the society made some money on that deal from the State of California. They built a large 2 KH facility with CO quarters in Tustin that covers that whole area now.
I do know of serious problems at that KH, though not that congregation. But they were political in nature and had to do with an old, iron fisted, mean elder that thought the congregation was his, as in the old "congregation servant" days. He was disciplined eventually and went away, (I think).
Edited to add: California's reputation is seriously exagerated in the minds of others that think Hollywood TV is real life. But hey, it gives people something to judge, which is always nice and important to many.