Warms my heart to see them seated at the same table with the Scientologists. May they have many joint ventures together for their mutual benefit.
I hate this religion.
maybe not relevant today, just sharing one of my archive storage, this picture of jw.org lawyer philip brumley, in a joint project with scientology and other religions in 2006.. the picture was published on a scientology website, mentioning the joint project with jw.org .
Warms my heart to see them seated at the same table with the Scientologists. May they have many joint ventures together for their mutual benefit.
I hate this religion.
in awake!
3 2016, an article on dr. semmelweis states:.
semmelweis was eventually recognized as one of the fathers of the modern antiseptic technique.
Ha ha, nice one Anders.
Edited to add:
My parents came in during the late 1930's. So WT opinion about vaccines, aluminum, chiropractors etc. was part of my growing up. In some ways, my parents were very health conscious from a "natural" standpoint. The doctor at my birth was a JW MD and a chiropractor, pretty well known in the LA area. I had asthma as a child, and my mother pursued natural ways of helping me through attacks. I'm grateful for especially my mother being so health conscious.
In retrospect, I'm glad nothing like polio or other serious diseases hit our family, because who knows what they would have done. Honestly, scary to think about it now. I had two nonJW uncles that were doctors, one was SDA. They finally let my uncle give my my first penicillin shot when I was about 10.
It's that blind faith in an organization that has no respect for science that is so scary. They kill people.
The message is the same though...even though it is a glitzy production with handsome people. Fear and intimidation at its best.
A friend met up with some JW's recently and it was still so surprising the belief was so strong that "it's soooo close!." One weird comment was hoping "Trump" was elected because for sure he will kick off Armageddon. And Oh Lordy...they will soon be in paradise with their pet tiger.
I guess I would say the same if I was in...so strange to hear it once you are out.
I was there in February 2007, (even though I was out, long story), and those were the most unhappy construction workers I have ever seen at Bethel. A couple were complaining to the front desk about it, and how long they have been there...and how they had nothing to go back to... It was the most dreary place, understandably.
I believe the 107 had that dorm type arrangement. They were combining the rooms and installing bathrooms and kitchenette areas to make it more saleable. They absolutely knew what was happening.
i am a male, born into the jw cult(ure), baptized as a teen, now mid fifties.
most of my life i dreamed of hugging pandas and lions, punctuated at times by nightmares of armageddon or jw drama and politics.
still going through the motions for still-in wife.
Welcome Dreamerdude!
The mere fact your wife heard the ARC is big. She can't un-hear what she has heard. Hopefully sooner rather than later her observations of what she is hanging on to, the paradise, will show to her how inconceivable it really is. It's hard to let go of that dream...but it really is a crazy dream when you really stop and think about it.
All the best.
just to say a big hello.
i have been reading this site for some time now and have been very unhappy with some of the things emanating from watchtower head quarters in new york.
the final straw for me is the upcoming watchtower study this weekend encouraging us to shun our own family members (our own mothers if need be) if they are disfellowshipped....a step too far for my liking.
Hello and welcome WFWR!
The WT is quite cruel when it comes to those who are out, by choice or otherwise. It all about punishing, the old testament sort...everyone must be punished for one thing or another.
Good luck with your correspondence and look forward to hearing more about it.
i'm so old, i can remember when these things were called mix tapes!https://drive.google.com/folderview?.
i've compiled the above into .mp3 below:.
i am very proud of this video and article.
this marks the going public of a community that i co-founded with my friend todd kadish that is very important in new york city, indeed for everyone.
especially for those who have escaped from some very controlling organizations a chance to integrate into the real world while still feeling validated and avoiding bitterness.
That is a fabulous article. Congrats on organizing and providing this community. I hope it spreads to more cities.
i see the jw rumour mill is going into mad overdrive about prince.
the stories seem to be more and more unlikely.
so i thought as a bit of fun how about us here try to make up our own rumours?
why do people care so much about celebrities?