Hell of an article.
Thank you for posting.
Hell of an article.
Thank you for posting.
i was asked last sunday, after a meeting that i attended with my wife, by a good friend if i believed that these were indeed the "last days".
what prompted his question was the public talk given by a young man that i have known since he was 7 years old and is now an elder at 30.. the talk made mention several times that we are 'definitely' living in the "last days".
i assume that the expression "last days" was prominent in the outline.. i hope that he way i answered my friend's question jump started his thinking.
After all, a thousand years is but 1 day to jehober. And with all the "overlapping generations" (lol) and the "new light" (lol) yet to be revealed, I'm sure the sure that there is an explanation. (or an excuse)
Good one. And my .02. "Evidently ()Jehovah is waiting to destroy the most people he can by postponing the end. Must be one of the mysteries we were not meant to understand I guess."
judge orders jehovah’s witnesses to turn over internal documents related to childhood sexual abuse.
april 12, 2018. .
I looked up the location and it's about 2 hours away from where my brother "serves" as a COBE. He made a point a few years ago that he didn't agree with the handling of the pedophile issue within the congregations. I didn't bite, because I wasn't sure if he was testing me or he was being honest.
As the area elders have their powwow's over this, I'm wondering how he will sort it out. We were in communication a few times a year, but lately it seems I am on the outs again. Whatever, lol.
going through a box of old records in my garage i came across this 45 by the great crowd.
it was given to me in the early 70's when i was living in crestline, ca.
i had no way of playing it because i haven't had a turntable in years so i googled it and found this link.
I swear I have the worse memory. Absolutely the worse.
i remember that Disneyland concert. Lots of fun.
Waves to Frankie & B.
the video invitation for the 2018 convention is just creepy.
i thought it was some parody at first as it seems 'dark'.it begins with a young man being pushed whilst standing at his locker and the voice over says that 'in critical times we need courage more than ever'.
next, comes a clip of a male putting his hand on the shoulder of a female worker, the look she gives him would be enough to give him nightmares for the next year.
I was talking with my sister yesterday, and she was telling me another JW relative was giving her the fear talk. She kept responding on how things are better. To be fair, I so remember vividly seeing nothing good in the world...that we were one heartbeat away from the END.
Fear is an effective tool. And yeah, about the ship???
going through a box of old records in my garage i came across this 45 by the great crowd.
it was given to me in the early 70's when i was living in crestline, ca.
i had no way of playing it because i haven't had a turntable in years so i googled it and found this link.
I remember us JW kids following a group called "The Great Crowd." Just at local weddings I think.
my wife just related experiences at the local kingdom hall of several locals having made two-week "need is greater" trips to israel, ostensibly to preach there... what's up with this nuttiness?.
To keep people in the fold the corporation needs to convince them of their relevance, otherwise...why bother.
It's a great scheme. The faithful seem to need it...like that Netflix movie "Wild Country", they would rather stay in a cult than leave and think for themselves.
you start listening to music deemed "unsuitable for christians".
you pretend to knock on the doors.
you explain a jw teaching to someone and realize how ridiculous it sounds.
You Know You're Starting To Wake Up When...
The TMS overseer hands you a talk slip and you hand it back and say "Oh, I already graduated."
picture 185,000 people on the streets attending the biggest event in long beach.
there is a main downtown street which is the only way into the grand prix.
it’s chaos because it is not private property that can be contained; these are working boulevards with cars and people vying to get where they want to go.
They believe 'honest hearted ones' will find them. It sounds like predestination to me. But why bother with the preaching work when, if this was true, someone could simply stumble across their website or walk into a KH.
^^ I always thought about this. It's such doublespeak. You are blood guilty if you are not using every minute of your life, yet the angels and jah are bringing the right people to da troof.
Again, a great job WTBS, keeping the confusion alive for the faithful. They just need trust in jah and "BELIEVE" (ala "Book of Mormon) to get their pet panda.
picture 185,000 people on the streets attending the biggest event in long beach.
there is a main downtown street which is the only way into the grand prix.
it’s chaos because it is not private property that can be contained; these are working boulevards with cars and people vying to get where they want to go.
Interesting sir, I suspected as much, especially after the Superbowl. I think somebody posted something similar about the carts there.
Man, and you are so right. They were smack dab in the middle of the busiest walk areas. I think they must have been schooled in facial expression. Seriously, they had these giant grins as they were looking at people. It was a very Stepford look. And I have to say, the group they had out looked like they were from the Spanish and downtown congregations.
There were other rather seedy looking characters out trying to get people to take a paper that looked like a $100 bill. One guy behind me took it and was reading it outloud as we were crossing the street. It had a bunch of scriptures on it about fornication and adultery. We all had a giggle about that.
This is the same venue where the RC's are held, and a fair amount of "apostates" do their work there.
On a side note, we attended this event with new family we found through Ancestry.com. Old family consisted of me an exJW, one never baptized, and two offspring raised around it but never came in, and one JW. We are shunned for the most part by the JW, although this time, he was a bit more relaxed and on better behavior. I do my part of anti-witnessing calling out poor behavior to new family, the shunning etc.
From the outside looking in at this modern witnessing work, it just seems ridiculous. Talking to a guy that just left about a year ago, he told me he AUXPioneered (is that still the current term?) several months the year before last. He loved the easy hours and it was fun setting up the carts the college campus. He didn't see/feel the absurdity he sees now.