I'm in the same boat. **sigh**
Posts by Dagney
Loss of AMC shows how can I get them?
by manicmama inas many of you may know, dishnet in it's infinite wisdom decided to drop all of their amc programming.
since many of you out there are much more tech savy than i, is there any way to get their programming such as a roku player with netflix or hulu plus?
i would like to tell dish to shove it, but i don't want to go to another cable service.
thirdwitness.com - JWs answer to apostate accusations
by Reality79 inthirdwitness.com (sorry i can't make it clickable on my browser).
has anyone seen this site?
the witnesses on jwtalk have been praising it..
Oh that was great! Loved/love it Leo.
I signed on the JWD right about then and T-Wit was making the rounds at all the usual sites. I loved the smack down.
Spare the Rod and spoil the child, How did that work for you
by jam inin proverbs there are several verses on the wisdom.
of using the rod for discipline.
the notion that children.
I was remembering a time when I was playing with my dolls and had them lined up sitting like we were at the meeting. ( I know, but it was what I knew.) I took turns jerking them out of the seat and marching to another room, spanking them and told them "I told you to SIT STILL!!" My mother heard this one way conversation and the smacks of me hitting the dolls, and was really taken aback and concerned this is what I was getting from the meetings. But it was.
thirdwitness.com - JWs answer to apostate accusations
by Reality79 inthirdwitness.com (sorry i can't make it clickable on my browser).
has anyone seen this site?
the witnesses on jwtalk have been praising it..
He has an agenda, and only his; facts don't matter.
It's not really anything to do with the WBTS, and I'm sure he isn't a JW. Just somebody with ALOT of time on his hands me thinks.
AGuest/Shelby's furbaby Li-Li is home!
by watersprout injust received an email off shelby to say that li-li arrived home a few hours ago.
she's in a bad way, rushed to the vet's as she pee'd blood all over the floor.
she has three small punctures, badly bruised and is doped up with pain killers and antibiotics.. the vet think's that due to her injuries she was kicked as well as being involved in a dog fight.. shelby is on full alert for any signs of internal damage loss of thirst/appetite, listlessness, more blood in urine etc.
OMG, poor lil thing! Speedy recovery to Li Li.
Like butta....
(Yes, I keep a picture of this sushi from Tokyo Hibachi at all times in my iPhone.)
When i was young it was always a dare if I was drunk enough to try the uni. Now that I'm big my palate is more expanding and I wouldn't need the assistance.
The heavens parted and I think I heard angels singing the first time I had sushi.
I have had some fun things in the past but lately I stick to the local teppan restaurant that makes me feel like Norm every time I walk in. I like the fancy stuff, but love raw fish. They cut mean, fat pieces of salmon that melt in your mouth. And sometimes the yellow tail is perfect, and sweet.
Boring I know, but we dream about their salmon sushi.
Et vous?
Disgusting Words From A WT Apologist Regarding Candace.
by Bangalore insource: http://www.topix.com/forum/religion/jehovahs-witness/trp8rlm4l1af9sn60.
who wants to be a millionaire--conti's way.. for those that attended the north freemont congregation or the oakley congregation in california from 1993 onward (hot attractive females preferred but not necessarily a prerequisite) you have millions and millions of dollars waiting for you.
the only requirement is that you knew jonathan kendrick while you were a minor after all his responsibilities were removed from him in the congregation.
Ugh. Just clicked on e-watchman...he is soooooooo creepy!!!! Does anybody buy his crap anymore? I need to go wash my eyes.
Spare the Rod and spoil the child, How did that work for you
by jam inin proverbs there are several verses on the wisdom.
of using the rod for discipline.
the notion that children.
I've been thinking about this thread. I was raised old school by older parents, there is almost 2 decades between me and my siblings. I KNOW when I was smacked, not spanked or beaten, I know I deserved it. I was mouthing off, and to this day, I have that respect/fear (sorta) of my mom (gone now). Could it have been handled differently? Yes, of course, with probably the same outcome of respect. But I do not feel damaged because of that...being raised JW yes.
That being said, it seems sort of barbaric NOW. Times are different. I think the "Nanny" lady has some great ideas in disciplining kids...mostly misbehaving kids just need attention they are not getting. Once that is included daily, behavior seems to change. Generalizing here. But I do see a fair amount of kids being indulged, especially in public places. I "think" kids don't learn what they are supposed to do when they are so indulged and placated with every whim to keep them satisfied. Parents are harried, and kids just as confused. .02.
Edited to add: I think Mrs. Jones should write a book or blog or something. The kids are wonderful as she describes.