Man, they know how to spin a tale don't they!
The villain internet is now the hero that will make their panda dreams come true! Praise Jah all you people!
all he needed was the internet how many years later!
the end is definitely around the corner now.
with all the website hits just in the last few weeks how could it not be?
Man, they know how to spin a tale don't they!
The villain internet is now the hero that will make their panda dreams come true! Praise Jah all you people!
yesturday, i was talking to a friend and she said that in order to get a degree from a local college, they require a completed a public speaking course.
i said that was no problem, because i had been in a public speaking school for 40 years.
she looked at me like i had three heads.
After my last talk the MSO said from the platform "I had a hard time finding anything wrong with your talk." So I decided I graduated and told him so the next time he tried to hand me a talk slip. After 40 years or so I figured I was good.
last notice for a new documentary produced for television on id discovery channel, based on jim kostelniuk's book, wolves among sheep: the true story of murder in a jehovahs witness community.. .
deadly devotion season 2:.
witness to murder.
Bumping. This is a good watch. I hope this show is in circulation for a long time.
last notice for a new documentary produced for television on id discovery channel, based on jim kostelniuk's book, wolves among sheep: the true story of murder in a jehovahs witness community.. .
deadly devotion season 2:.
witness to murder.
I think this was well done. It does a very good job at pointing out the control of the org, the failed prophecies, the ridiculous, exclusive hope...with pictures from the literature. The guy was a violent nutter...who just happened to be a JW.
Whether JW's get it or not, the exposure of this high control religion with its wacky and deadly doctrines, cruel shunning and abuse policies to the non JW world is what is important.
I'm saving this on the DVR.
hi guys, i don't really post on here much anymore, having been on here since 2001. this site helped me out in the early days and has been a great support system for all of my past jw issues.
like many others i was discouraged from an education so that i could window clean and pioneer in my youth during the 80's.
having spent many years post my jw exit in alcoholism and periods of drugs, i decided to clean myself up 7 years ago by attending aa, i was still a window cleaner ... at the time i wrote extensively on here about my issues.
That's wonderful! Congratulations!
is being followed daily at for those interested.. this afternoons coverage said he was an elder at the time of the murder.. i think when the story first came out no one was sure if he was or not..
awaken, I have friends that knew the Jarka's very well, and have been in touch with her family continuously since her death. They say Kelle was a tool, and the wife was naive, but sweet.
last notice for a new documentary produced for television on id discovery channel, based on jim kostelniuk's book, wolves among sheep: the true story of murder in a jehovahs witness community.. .
deadly devotion season 2:.
witness to murder.
DVR set.
brief summary:.
the jws, backed by county commissioners, contend they have a legal right to build an assembly hall in the jedd.
We had a similar situation locally with a mega church. It was a looong battle.
BTW, the golf course is where Tiger Woods grew up playing.
thread is here:.
a few quotes:.
^^^ Exactly. A big contributor to my leaving.
If god "loves the world" soooooo muuuuuch...why not teach these terrbile humans the lesson when there was only 2 billion people to destroy? Or 3 billion...or or or!!!!
Instead he loooves us sooooo muuuuch he is overlapping to his heart's content up to 10 billion lives to murder!!! What a guy.
a poster on another thread made the following comment, that really made me think.. it is about god: .
"imo i would say [god is] not evil but just indifferent.
apathy allows it.
It okay defender. Actually, I would wager my thinking is more expanded than yours...perhaps.
I originally had thoughts on the word you choose...evil, but I was at work and didn't have time to put my thoughts together.
My feeling is if god's ultimate reward/destination for man is no suffering...then allowing suffering is cruel and without love. I'm talking Job and disaster/plague cruel type suffering.
The natural feeling for a loving, feeling person is to protect and care for one another. You may feel god does that. Others may disagree.
In the end it really doesn't matter. If your faith serves you well, than good. It doesn't mean what you have faith in is true. I've been there, and I have the tee shirt. But it doesn't make it true and real.