(((((Shytears))))) Welcome!!!!!
Wow...I'm having this immense feeling of deja vu!! Shy, your situation is very similar to mine. Although that was 10 yrs ago now, I am out, live across the country from my mom, and yet still have a good "relationship" with her. I know that things a SO hard right now, I feel your anxiety, but you know what? Things DO get better with time and age. (Believe it or not, I didn't 10 yrs ago either :))
I really have to agree with the others about avoiding guys, or at least relationships with them. Get yourself focused on YOU, and the light at the end of the tunnel(getting out). See I took the opposite route, left home at 16, moved in with the first person available(which happened to be a guy) ended up in 2 different longterm relationships one was verbally abusive, and the other, well, I'm just not ready to go there yet. Needless to say, I put off any college, hell I didn't even finish High School.
Thankfully, things in the longrun turned out ok. Go to college, stay in residence, have the fun your supposed to have. I found that my so-called "worldly" friends were much more supportive, loving and understanding than any "truth- buddy". If I could go back I think that counselling (nothing religion related) would have had a tremendous help. Find ways to vent, keep a journal, take up jogging, & this board is always good for a vent!
You'll make it. I'm sure after venting a bit earlier, you felt a tad better. Just hold on, freedom will be yours eventually. I am very familiar with the guilt trips, try to turn a deaf ear, they can't talk forever(sometimes it doesn't seem that way).