If you are 45, and the scenerio you mention happens over and over, the best I can surmise is that you have a defective picker.
JoinedPosts by jaguarbass
Why does LOVE hurt so bad ?
by oldflame ini am a 45 year old man who has lived a single life for so long, for too long.
i have dated several in the past few years andhave got serious a time or two.
but it never fails when someone comes along that really trips your trigger, you fall so hard for someone who really fits your wants needs and desires in everyway a man could want and then it happens.
We came here to Heal our Wounds
by OUTLAW in.....now we tend to the wounded..whats at the end of tomorrow?...outlaw
No one knows what tomorrow may bring. Not the wheatherman, not the stockbroker. Not the psychic,or the fortune teller, not the prophet or the seeker. GYAAHO
Are witnesses Christians?
by KW13 in.
i know that all religions have their flaws, so do you agree that witnesses should call themselves christians or are they 'too un-christian'?.
the baptism, i think proves its different, they are baptized into an organization, that forms part of the questions...agreeing that the society is god's earthly representation.. personally i feel they are not christians.
First of all is being a Christian a good or bad thing? I look around and feel it is probably a bad thing. Bad people, hypocrites, war mongers, evil. I think Jehovahs Witnesses think they are Cristian. I think many of the leaders of the Christian denominations think they are not. But some Baptist think Catholics are not Christians. So I guess in America if they think they are Christian they can be Christian. If there is a God or Christ it is obvious he doesnt care whether they are christian or not.
A Connection Between Sickness and JW Lifestyle
by choosing life ini've noticed several people on this board mention they have fms and similar type afflictions.
fms is known to be brought about by physical/emotional stress.
i have suffered from it for many years.
I lean towards believing that this illness is a pychosomatic kind of illness, The kind that responds well to placebos. Jehovahs witnesses are noted for being hypochondriachs and mentally ill.
How Do You Respond To: "Where Else Will We Go"?
by minimus inwhen scared jws even think about leaving the organization, they often wonder where they'll go to instead.......any responses?
Thats the sheeplike mentality they must change if they are ever to be free. Why do they have to go anyplace? Cant they just be? Life is a journey. Perhaps the kingdom hall is a spiritual kindergarden. Or maybe its an evil dungeon on a wrong way street.
Can you completely change beliefs almost overnight?
by JH in.
i was talking with a person who was a jw for over 20 years, served in the org, and then quits after finding out it wasn't the truth, becomes athiest almost overnight after reading many books.. gee, thats a quick change....
Almost overnight after reading many books? That sounds like a contradiction. Would it be better to say, Over a period of time, he read many books. Then one night left the organization?
Please point out the error in this statement
by ThomasCovenant in.
my parents worship a god that they believe is going to kill me and their grandchildren.. thomas covenant
The statement looks gramatically correct. Do you believe it, all of it or part of it?
Is the Watchtower Society the only one to blame?
by The wanderer inhaving spent time on this discussion board.
there has been quite a number of negative .
amount of damage in various ways, but are .
I was raised in the troof. I was born in 52. I escaped at 31years of age in 83. There was no innnernet. It was hard to find information. In my case 1975 was the great emancipator. I couldnt see how God could make such a mistake. When I became an adult at 21 or 18, I had a lot of baggage from my mother and the organization to evaluate, and test. If I am guilty of anything, I think it was obeying my parents, particularly my mother who made me go to meetings all my life. My father did not participate very much in raising me. I didnt have the wherewithall, knowledge, understanding or intestinal fortitude to leave before I was 31.
August 22, 2006 - Likely the end of the world according to Muslims.
by Elsewhere inhttp://forums.winamp.com/showthread.php?s=c55608db5b5834c2316826ebb719cb6c&threadid=252956
we now have a date for armageddon august 22, 2006.. .
a top expert on the mideast says it is possible iran could pick aug. 22, 2006 the anniversary of one of islam's holiest events, for a cataclysm shiite muslims believe will forever resolve the battle between "good" and "evil.
They have been talking about the end of the world from the begining of time. Just as they have been talking of Christ return since the time of Chirst
Is the first year really the hardest?????
by mama1119 ini have been married a year and a half, and everyone says the first year is the hardest.
well, the crappyness seems to be creeping right on into the second year.
i thought it was suppossed to get easier each year.
Im thinking if being married is crappy, you shouldnt be married. I thought the first couple of years were the best. I have been married 33 years.