The poll results indicate that 50% of all Christian men and 20% of all Christian women are addicted to pornography,"
Well if 50% of the Christian men who are notorious liars and 99% of the worldly men are addicted to porn it sounds to me that porn and sex are normal. Those that do not partake are suspect.
What it really is in my opinion is Sex is natural and those that try to control you want you to think you are sinning so they can collect a monetary pentinece for your repentance. Your desire will be back tommorow. Its never ending. Its just like consuming a meal. Sex and drugs and rock and roll, along with money these are things that make the world go round.
I would suspect that those males that do not consume pornography have a chemical imbalance or are not connnected to the innernet. They are probably the ones that are consuming the viagra trying to fix their imbalance.