Hi Texasbred,
Everything everyone has said is true. I'm considered a "weak" or inactive witness and am trying to fade out without causing an uproar or hurting people I love.
I am married to a man who was never a JW (we met when I was a rebellious teenager and had took a long reprieve from the organization) and I've gone through a lot of emotional roller coasters with him, problems dealing with what AlanF brought out, thinking he was going to die at Armageddon and stuff like that.
Even though I did holidays with him and his family and had fun going to concerts, hitting the bars (we love to dance) and even getting high from to time, I still felt I was being disloyal to God and wanted to return to the Kingdom Hall after our first child was born. I gave up everythying, holidays, going out to the clubs, no R rated movies, etc. It took a lot away from him and eventually he just gave in and didn't do the holidays anymore either.
He's been there when I had so many bouts of depression and craziness (suicidal tendencies and erratic behavior). He could have left and said "to hell with her", but thankfully he didn't. We're lucky, I've realized the truth about the "truth" and still have a lot of good times ahead of us. My kids are celebrating their birthdays this year and I'm bound and determined to make the most of it. If you can get your girlfriend to read something like Crisis of Conscience or Apocalypse Delayed (read it yourself and find a real good paragraph to share) you might have some luck helping her to snap out of it. But don't pressure her or she might back off.
My husband was very cool and laid back about it and I think that helped me since I felt no matter what I was thinking I could tell him and he wouldn't judge me or get mad at me for changing my mind.
Good luck,