Why are so many people living with a flashlight shining in their eyes? Looks bright but one sees nothing else. Proximity. Move back and think…. WHAT IF I QUESTIONED E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G THE WATCHTOWER EVER TAUGHT ME INCLUDING STUFF THEY PIRATED AND PLAGIARISED FROM “NOMINAL” CHRISTIANITY?
I must get to the point. If you want to read my rant first its marked below!
The Bible was written for everyone. The Bible’s teaching is to read it. Whoa. But what if serious doubt was made as to what it really means AND a sufficient number of confusing ideas were in place so that one was already ‘put into a hole that she must first dig herself out of just to get back to level ground’?
Hmmm…. ARMAGEDDON IS A PLACE. Revelation 16:16 “Then they gathered the kings together to the place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon.”
Har = mountain (No “H” sound in Gk ’A = ha) NOT hill, tell, plain (of Esdraelon) and Magadan is a town which in Jesus day was known as Magdala - Mary Magdalene was from Magdala. Today the town is called Mejdel and is on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee (Lake Tiberius). There are high mountains on the western side of Lake Tiberius. SO-OOOOO…. The place is called in Hebrew “Mountain of Magadan“. It is a real place. Not a hocus-pocus “symbolically named” place which is an event in a place which doesn’t fit the description which isn’t a place but another “clear teaching of Scripture” that doesn’t mean what it says - clearly.
It doesn’t matter what the name of Megiddo means or what happened there or how many millions of words are written to support that or other hypotheses that equate to “Nothing is what it seems to be” - so follow us the “Illuminated ONES”
See the older and slightly more trustworthy “Aid To Bible Understanding” page 1092 edited in large measure by Raymond Franz. He’s OK with me even if he still has some bigotry evident in his ideas.
AND, THE EVENT IS CALLED: “The battle on the great day of God Almighty.” (Revelation 16:14)
Imagine “The Bible can be an open book for you”!
The arm of God is not too short so that it can not save us. God’s Spirit is not too weak that it can not lead someone who is honest. God’s spirit doesn’t discriminate against people as elitist religionists say it does - leading only them - The “Illuminated ONES”.
The Bible was written so that anyone (with sufficient capacity and ability) could read it and understand God and his will. It would be the utmost unkindness for The Almighty to have ideas penned and saved for millennia which are found to confuse and mis-guide. That would make the words of God hidden - “occult” means hidden. Thus the Watchtower and other elitist religionists are determined to transform the clear and generally understandable meanings of God’s word into convoluted ideas that take pages of twists and turns of words, ideas, and Scriptural excerpts to explain. This then turns the Bible into an occult book of hidden meanings where nothing is what it seems to be. That is not the same as ones not knowing geography and topography and ancient language meanings or ancient cultural ideas. Those types of ignorance (ignorance means one doesn't know not that one isn't capable of knowing and isn't a derogatory term properly used) are matters for dictionaries and encyclopedias NOT pseudo-Christian publications that are called "letters from Jehovah" this year and next year are shelved as "old light".
“Let the reader use discernment” is a phrase found in scripture and means - Let the R-E-A-D-E-R use HER / HIS very own discernment.
The WT (et. al.) operate a monopoly on ideas. They constantly push the “friends” to memorize the current Watchtower doctrine of the semi-monthly club edition. This overwhelms those who follow the WT. How much time and mental energy does the average working stiff have after he does his 8am to 5:30pm, commutes home to then eat, shit, shave, shower, shampoo, dress UP and go out again in the car to his late night meetings 7:30 to 9:30? Besides - I notice how the Watchtower uses one of the methods of mind control involving sleep deprivation. A tired mind is susceptible to absorbing ideas without challenging them. (Challenging ideas of the Watchtower is forbidden to a follower anyway.) Those hours are required of parents with young children which young children ought to be in bed at 7:30pm. Even older children ought to be winding down and heading for sleep during those hours. (I said “ought” since I am referring to proper sleep hygiene - not what happens usually.) I have heard of several instances of young, new Watchtower headquarters (Brooklyn Bethel) staff working double shifts - usually on printing presses. 16 hours a day of work plus meetings, meals, personal hygiene time…. Leaves maybe 3-5 hours for sleep each day week after week. Inadequate, unhealthy, dangerous and a cult technique for mind control.
And has anyone else ever noticed that there is NO “WATCHTOWER” in scripture as part of any particular teaching but THERE is prominent use of “Watchtower” in Dungeons and Dragons type games and forms of Witchcraft including spells involving “Watchtower”? See:
MSN search for “Watchtower” alone & with “Magic Spell” or “Occult” or “Witchcraft”. CT Russell was a 33 rd degree freemason ( Illuminati) nutcase who read books by guys that measured the lengths of the halls in pyramids to foretell the future by. He would have done as well casting dried bones about. The Illuminati are a real group that was founded on May 1 1776, so I read, and wrote books and essays on their goals of a “one world government” the “New World Order”. There is no “New World” in the Bible - thus the Watchtower bible’s name “New World Translation” isn’t based on the Bible passage relating the good news of “New Heavens and a New Earth”. “World” isn’t synonymous with “Heaven” or “Earth” in scripture. “New World” is an abomination scripturally speaking.
Regards and Peace on Earth Towards Men of Goodwill,
Paul - The Fuzzy ONE