All I can say about this is:
Thanks for posting.
JoinedPosts by BurnTheShips
"These also I must bring..."John 10:16
by AuldSoul inan invitation to any jws, ex-jws, faders, lurkers or readers: please wreck this if you can.
i trying to tackle a foundation doctrine of jws as simply as i possibly can.
if anyone has a way to further simplify this, please offer suggestions.. john 10:16"and i have other sheep, which are not of this fold; those also i must bring, and they will listen to my voice, and they will become one flock, one shepherd.".
Question for the EX-JW:
by rezrez inwhen you left the religion or cult, which religion did you convert to.
remember, i dont need to know why you left, i just want to which religion did you convert to.
What part of the country are you in rezrez? You sound familiar.
What scriptures will you NEVER hear a Witness use?
by gordon d inwhat scripture will probably never be read in the kh or quoted in the watchtower?
for obvious reasons!
i'll start with honesty's contribution: .
But about the resurrection of the dead—have you not read what God said to you, 'I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? He is not the God of the dead but of the living."
Matthew 22:31-32 -
They do actually place more than 50 of those tracts per publisher... :(
by Kudra intoo bad- some folks here did a calculation and said that evin if all dubs placed all their tracts they'd only cover 300 million of the earth's inhabitants (mainly in western lands where people toss them straight in the garbage), thus only reaching a maximum of 4 1/2 % of the earth's population... .
i think many publishers, inflamed with zeal, get packet after packet of 50 tracts each for "placement in the ministry".
(eeeee- i love using those buzzwords!
Not unless they've changed the time slips since I last filled one in, which was around 15 months ago. I seem to remember someone mentioning that pubs were supposed to note down placements for this tract though.
It is true. I turned in my field report for October on Sun and was asked how many tracts I placed. I have refused to place one and have not been out in service since the campaign began. I got a really weird look when I said matter-of-factly "Oh, we didn't place any"
Next weekend is the end of the campaign. Fortunately we have Circuit Ass-embly so I do not have to evade going out in service when the bros meet at my house. (Unfortunately I have Circuit Ass-embly) :-)
They look at you kinda weird when you turn in you privs (I was MS) and the same month shows only 2 hours and no dire tracts!
Kind of gets me thinking of counting my posting time here on my reports! -
How long before the Society's growth goes negative?
by BurnTheShips init seems that growth just slows and slows. i suspect if it was not for hispanic immigration the us would have been negative for a long time now!
i go to a spanish congregation and i hear the english bros always say how there is no growth any more.
"I did the numbers last year"
Well, that is assuming a straight line decline, if you look at the older years on your chart, the percentages varied wildly.
Methinks all it would take for the WT to quickly bolster their numbers is to change the 6 month inactive rule to 1 year.
Another 9/11 or similar catastrophe could get the drones out in droves too. -
How long before the Society's growth goes negative?
by BurnTheShips init seems that growth just slows and slows. i suspect if it was not for hispanic immigration the us would have been negative for a long time now!
i go to a spanish congregation and i hear the english bros always say how there is no growth any more.
Well, ant bets on growth for 2006? Anyone think it will be down to 1% or lower? It is already down under 2%.
How long before the Society's growth goes negative?
by BurnTheShips init seems that growth just slows and slows. i suspect if it was not for hispanic immigration the us would have been negative for a long time now!
i go to a spanish congregation and i hear the english bros always say how there is no growth any more.
It seems that growth just slows and slows. We are down to under 2%! I suspect if it was not for Hispanic immigration the US would have been negative for a long time now! I go to a Spanish congregation and I hear the English bros always say how there is no growth any more. How long do you think before we have the first negative year since the '70s? Next year? 5 years? What do you think the GB will do when they see the B'Org shrinking? Truly the "waters" are drying up! BurnTheShips
New here
by Chameleon inhello everyone.. i'm an "active" jw and have been for...13 years but my faith in the jw org died about 5 years ago.. so, i've been doing the jw thing for 5 years now without believing in it.
i might be an ms soon, unfortunately.. i tried telling my parents about it but they said apostates are good with twisting words and whatnot.. they wouldn't even let me show them evidence of wt hypocrisy; however, my mother did say she found it odd that every once in a while, there's that publisher resolution of donating a certain amount a year.
there might be hope for her yet.
Hi You are in a tough spot, I know because I have been there. I was a Ministerial Servant until 2 Sundays past. I am finally giving it up (though I still have a book study group meeting at my home). Little by little now, I am "fading into the light"! It must be tough for you since it sounds like you still live with your parents. It would have been tough for me too. I was in a similar situation 2 years ago when they approached me about being an MS, only I was married instead of living with my parents. I had been a regular pioneer during the preceding year along with my wife. I figured "well I will give this a try". Think carefully! If you go "deeper" by accepting special privileges in the Org when you know in your heart it is not the truth you will be very unhappy. The responsibilities you will have will feel like a very heavy burden because you do not believe in them. I know they were for me although I did enjoy teaching from the platform and tried to do things my own way as much as possible. I disliked regurgitating the assigned materials too much and I know the brothers enjoyed hearing something different-so I did a lot of personal research when I had an assignment. However I was assigned the congregaton accounts and that is a lot of work! Work that I hated! It would have been easier had I "believed" in what I was doing. I also realized what an unnecessary financial burden is placed on the brothers-not a Christian burden. Just remember this, if you know in your heart and mind that this is not the truth there will always be that bother in the back off your head-even if you are an MS. And the deeper you are into the Org the harder it will be for you to leave. As for your parents, don't confront them too much with the truth that you are learning, like a turtle, they will poke themselves in and only show you a hard shell. Work on them little by little. Trust me. That is the only whay I got my wife to see the light. When she felt threatened by a direct method 8 years ago there was no reasoning with her. It has taken me the last 2 years of baby steps to get her to see the truth. Now our family study involves reading a chapter of Ray Franz "Crisis of Conscience" every evening. I pray that Jehovah guides to the light. Remember: "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." I pray for your freedom brother. BurnTheSHips
Are you 'following a worldly course'? Loaded WT expressions.
by jambon1 inanother example of the wts's loaded language that i actually find quite offensive.. the expression 'following a worldly course' is banded about, often in a similar context to that below, taken from the watchtower of may 1973 (convention review):.
the next oldest, a son, told how he also at one time wanted to go to college and follow a worldly course.
but his father sat down and reviewed the scriptures with him.. so, what is 'following a worldly course'?
That is classic! :-)
Latest statistics off of
by BurnTheShips inno wonder they are doing such a big campaign push with the new kingdom news tract 37.
burntheships-desperately trying to find a way to get out of passing this rag around.
No wonder they are doing such a big campaign push with the new Kingdom News tract 37. BurnTheShips-desperately trying to find a way to get out of passing this rag around.