Beer. Helping ugly people get laid since (I forget the year
Yep I know I hate it when that happens!
be happy.. i say that beer is proof that people love people and want people to be happy.. what say you?
Beer. Helping ugly people get laid since (I forget the year
Yep I know I hate it when that happens!
oftentimes the accusation is made that there is some sort of conspiracy on jwd amongst the atheists to convert, humiliate, spit on, or otherwise degrade the believers.
it's been suggested that their tone is condescending and arrogant.. it's hinted at that they're angry and bitter about their own lives and want to take it out on god and his humble servants.. others think it's all just an excuse to lead what they judge to be a morally depraved life.. regardless of what we believe about god's existence or lack thereof, most rational adults understand that when we attempt to judge the motives of others we can miss by a mile.. so here's the reason i post about the topic of atheism.... i was born as one of jehovah's witnesses, fourth generation.
i was being indoctrinated with jehovah while i was still in the womb.
I would have more respect for "God" if it created life and left. At least then it wouldn't really be it's fault for all the bad, or good in the world. But since most believer's need a God that is involved personally in the world's affairs, it's credibility becomes lacking.
how many of you ex-jw kids were able to believe in mainstream christianity after leaving the borg?
within the last year, i have opened up to getting to know god again.
what's funny is that when i prayed for truth and to know god, i knew and had a real feeling in my heart that i was getting closer to something real, but there was still a voice going, "hey, it's me jehovah, and you have rejected me!".
Modern Christians like to cherry pick the verses that they find acceptable and reject the 'nasty bits.
Although not a believer I understand that some need to have God in their life. I just hope the new voices you're hearing don't get too loud!!
bow before me all opposers and apostates.
you are all deceivers, trying to pull people away from the truth.
but you will not succeed because 4thwitness is now here to expose all of you for the devils children you all are.
Stay tuned for more exposing of myself!!
Nudity is not allowed on JWD.,81398.
this is almost 2 years old, i saved it all this time and wanted to share it with all the newbies.. this video makes me both laugh and cry.
The guy and his wife who filmed this use to come on here a couple years ago. I think he was from Central Wisconsin, now they live in Madison.
next weekend is the 14th annual spring beer fest at my favorite local spot.
it has just been confirmed last night that nvr is going to be heading in for some fun and revelry.
so if any in the chicagoland area like to join us just pm me.
No problem Nvr...see ya soon!
I think I liked the Left Hand Milk Stout....check out their website it's pretty cool.
Thanks for the cigars.
i had noticed on the board recently of several posters mentioning what they , or someone they know has gone through being brought before a jehovah's witness judicial committee - so i thought it would be good to share experiences so we all can get an idea of what has worked for some of you in dealing with it , and also methods to use when dealing with the elders , and it might open some lurkers eyes to the injustices suffered by many - which by the way usually isn't discussed in the rank and file witnesses .
many of you know my experience - so i will be brief.
long story short i was inactive for 3 and a half years , scripturally free to remarry , had not attended meetings for that long.
Who was all bullshit anyways!
when i was searching for religion, post witness life, i spent a few months studying mormon faith.
while i found it interesting, i also found it comical in their believes.
yet until i found this cartoon on youtube, it was hard to explain how mormons see the origin of man without cracking up.
PBS Frontline did a documentary on the LDS, which was very interesting.
What we are talking about here are the teachings of the mainstream church. Can you imagine the wackiness that is found in some of the off shoots....yikes!
next weekend is the 14th annual spring beer fest at my favorite local spot.
it has just been confirmed last night that nvr is going to be heading in for some fun and revelry.
so if any in the chicagoland area like to join us just pm me.