You and I are arguing over nothing. Dawkins only believes what he chooses to believe. I do not believe in a God that created us with a purpose for us. We all have the singularity to over come the beginning of time. To believe science one must believe that something came out of nothing. To believe in God the same problem has to be over come.
Some day in the future we will look back on our understanding of the universe and laugh at how stupid we are today. this is one thing we both agree on. Religion is bad and the root of almost all the evils on the earth today. As for the 70% we call dark matter several brave scientist are trying to find out. One of the theory's, theorist are looking at is an unknown state of energy that may be full of living worlds and living beings we do not recognize right now that may be interacting with us unbeknown to ourselves. That explains everything. Time will tell and open mind scientist now are trying to figure it out. When they do then maybe religion and science will find middle ground.
There was a show last year on the Science Channel I believe that talked about this. Even Stephen Hawkins and that Chinese looking Theorist I forget his name was featured on it. The Chinese theorist said it was like the scientist hundreds of years ago that ignored the fact the earth of revolving around the Sun. He then said long held ideas are hard to change scientist today can be as stubborn as those during and after Galileo time.
Sounds like he was talking about Dawkins and maybe even you.