tetrapod.sapien I don't think it will either, evolution is sound. I can not imagine some Theory disproving evolution. My whole beef with Dawkins book he left no room for other explanations for the paranormal or "Religious experiences" other than it is foolish and the person believing is fooling himself. There might be real explanations for why a few people are able to see the future. As I have mentioned many times my wife has that apparent ability. I know several posters on this board who live in my area and they know her personally. They have experienced her ability and know I am telling the truth. I am not willing nor able able at this time to believe that the Demons or Gods angels have given her this ability. She is no prophet nor witch just a person that might be able to tap into to other dimensions. Also I would like to tell you, I like your posts and never have I thought you were being rude with your post to me. This have been an interesting discussion look forward to more in the future.
JoinedPosts by skyking
Further incite on Dawkin's The God Delusion
by Abandoned ini started a thread after i finished the first chapter of this book entitled something like, i'm an atheist.
i finished chapter three and i have to backtrack a bit, but i also feel the need to explain why since i was so vocal.. first, let me say that i think everyon should read the first two chapters of the god delusion by richard dawkins.
he brings up some very important points about religion and about science's place in our world.
Big day for me tomorrow
by iamfreenow inhello everyone, i haven't been on here for a while, though i have read a few posts from time to time when i've been visiting my friends linda and trevor.
i would like to be here more, but i am retired now, and can't really afford a pc or the internet, being on a somewhat limited income.. since i left the watchtower society in august, i have kept myself reasonably busy.
i attend a couple of evening classes, help my non jw son and his wife out by babysitting when needed, and manage to see my jw sons' children as often as possible.
By now you have either been baptized or you backed out. I hope you success and happiness. Good Luck.
How to Get Rid of JWs - You Tube
by Scully inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6jtzwlkwue.
heh heh heh .
Very funny I hope the commercial actually gets aired.
Further incite on Dawkin's The God Delusion
by Abandoned ini started a thread after i finished the first chapter of this book entitled something like, i'm an atheist.
i finished chapter three and i have to backtrack a bit, but i also feel the need to explain why since i was so vocal.. first, let me say that i think everyon should read the first two chapters of the god delusion by richard dawkins.
he brings up some very important points about religion and about science's place in our world.
Jim Bob
The reason everyyone should be opened minded is because a fool believes in the "power of his image, and sound of his tongue,"
607 Question....not debate
by Zuko into make a long story short i work with one of my old friends who happens to be a ms. we often get in discussions about witnesses and i have got him too admit that i am right about somethings in the past.
i think he has looked into some of the things we have talked about and found that i am right but he just kinda dismisses them.
anyway here is the deal.
I would bet my kingdom. I have research if you want it that I think is ease for even the hard headed JW can follow PM me if you want it.
Lady Liberty love your post.
Were you aware of any "Bad Blood" amongst JW's at your hall?
by JH income on now, is it really posssible that everyone at the hall gets along well together?
maybe during ideal conditions... were you aware of any friction or bad blood amongst members in your congregation?.
in my case, there was a brother thati didn't want to be around.
You bet Ya. There was a PO in my old hall that ran the congregation his way. The CO asked me and another brother to covertly investigate this PO we found two DFing Offenses he was guilty of. It divided the hall into fight fractions. Because our investigation was found every one know what we were up to. The CO was not going to be there for months, then the CO had a personal crises to handle so we received a substitute CO for the next visit that would not touch any of it at all. So for almost a full year the congregation was a place of war until the CO made it. This PO was not FD'd but was put on reproof and was able to remain an Elder by name only. He could not pray for the congregation nor conduct meeting for field service. This went on for over a year, then the he was given all his privileges back and is now running the congregation once again.
Never have I seen a pitiful group of people in all my life.
WTS Has Lost +35% of Elders in US Since 1994????
by Seeker4 inzack, on another thread, said he heard this figure from the platform at both the 2006 elders' school and his recent pioneer school:.
that there were 93,000 elders in 1994, and less than 60,000 today, in the united states.. i thought these figures deserved their own thread, as they are shocking to me, and to see if anyone else has heard anything similar.. i'll post a link to the other thread as well.
Seek 4 thank you this is interresting.
Most of the Elders that were Elders while I was in are no-longer Elders At least half of them in the local area since 2001 there are a few new Elders to replace them but not many. In a town near were I am from there are two congregations in 2001 had 20 Elders between the two. My dad told just the other day there is only 5 left. The ex-elder have not moved away but been removed or stepped down. Dad said there is talk of combining the two congregations.
Death of a generation
by onacruse interry's thread http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/7/127651/1.ashx got me to thinking about this.. one of the characteristics of the wts is to "weather the storm" of a major disappointment, and, as evidenced by the last two major cycles, count on the death (as much in a literal sense as a figurative one) of the generation of jws that went through that debacle...and thence to recommence with the eschatological emphasis as if nothing had happened.. the post-1925 period is perhaps even more exemplative of this than the post-1914 period, because a good many bible students, grasping at every straw to salvage their belief system, swallowed the chronological recalculations and jubilee-cycle antitype interpretations, which extended 1914 to 1925. but 1925 was the last straw for most of them.
it initiated a major revolt among the rank-and-file (and especially the elders...the leaders of "that generation") which haunted the wts for the next 20 years, and a chronological review of the watchtower articles and books during the entire rutherford period shows a preoccupation with vilifying those who dared to remind of that debacle.. with the 50s came a major expansion in the wts, and a consequent dilution of that disillusioned group.
those that were still alive, and who were still jws, had by that time invested so much of their lives into that way of life that...well, how could they find the muster to dump off 40 years of life energy and say, finally, "well, i was wrong, wasn't i?
Jimbo that collection was way to sticky and torn not worth anything after my brother and I got done with them.
Further incite on Dawkin's The God Delusion
by Abandoned ini started a thread after i finished the first chapter of this book entitled something like, i'm an atheist.
i finished chapter three and i have to backtrack a bit, but i also feel the need to explain why since i was so vocal.. first, let me say that i think everyon should read the first two chapters of the god delusion by richard dawkins.
he brings up some very important points about religion and about science's place in our world.
Not one time have I said that the theory of evolution is not supported by known facts. Not once. What I said was there is now a theory that melds the paranormal and science together. It is called the String Theory. Top theorist believe this theory is true and liken the rest of the scientist too the scientist in the past that refused to believe what was right in front of them.
Abaddon you have been harsh in your posts and PM's too me and others on this thread. You must be very smart and your IQ must be out of this world. I have a 130 in language skills and 150 in math and science. With a person so smart as you are please go back and re-read my posts then you will see I never said the things you are attacking me on. Science does support my statements, Yes I agree the majority of scientist right now do not, but the majority did not believe in heavier than air flight. That little tiny bugs cause sicknesses.
I hope Dawkins opens his mind because I think his understanding of the world is going to change and he might have to do some damage control.
So to recap never did I say the Theory of evolution was not on solid ground. I said Dawkins is closed minded and I stand solidly on this, it is only my opinion. I said there is a theory now that explains the paranormal this is true there is a viable new theory this is the Theory that explains everything.. the smartest theorist in the world beleive this theory is true. So why am I so dumb as to believe it? Thats right because you say I dumb and your IQ is so high.
Further incite on Dawkin's The God Delusion
by Abandoned ini started a thread after i finished the first chapter of this book entitled something like, i'm an atheist.
i finished chapter three and i have to backtrack a bit, but i also feel the need to explain why since i was so vocal.. first, let me say that i think everyon should read the first two chapters of the god delusion by richard dawkins.
he brings up some very important points about religion and about science's place in our world.
By the way the only thing that I have been challenged on was my statement the Dawkins in closed minded. Yes you are right there is not one chance in hell you could convenience me that Dawkins is not closed minded. As I have stated I think almost exactly as Dawkins the only difference I am not so damn arrogant to admit I could be wrong. That is the person I use to be in the BORG no-longer will I be so arrogant as to believe I am right. Even when theory says I am right. My Websters says and I quote it word for word!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Theory is sometimes derived as a speculation of ideas, assumptions, conjecture"