Welcome Josie....
Very cool place for ex-jws...I am only out 7 months or so(fader) & this has been a good outlet.
Enjoy the board.
i came across this site and i felt a huge weight come off of my shoulders!
someone understands!
Welcome Josie....
Very cool place for ex-jws...I am only out 7 months or so(fader) & this has been a good outlet.
Enjoy the board.
i have been reading here for a while but as you may of noticed the assembly games post has flushed me out!
it has been fascinating to read all your experiences and to know that the stuff that i thought was odd, was thought odd by others as well.. two things made me leave:.
1. i found i could not do return visits as i did not want to break up families.
welcome stezza......
enjoy the board.
wouldn't this be a disaster for the majority of the jw's who need guidance and control?.
all their dreams of paradise earth would be gone.
they would have to start focusing on the time they have left to live.. although the watchtower is a controling organization and a false prophet, can we say that it has it's use for some people?.
mary - I agree 100% with your words below:
Possibly, but the end doesn't justify the means. While the WTS has helped people overcome alcoholism, drug use, etc. it's also driven many to suicide, split up families, and let children die needlessly from their ridiculous ban on blood. They've squashed many peoples dreams and hopes to actually make something of their lives, they've cheated people out of their pension plans, encouraged many not to get a decent education, marry, have children or even buy a home. They've subjected entire generations of children to unnesessary taunting and humiliation at the hands of their peers in school, due to their inhumane ban on simple things like standing to show respect for your country, partaking in anything fun that's to do with Christmas, Easter, Valentines Day, Mothers Day, Fathers Day or even Thanksgiving.
It's kind of like asking if Hitler had any use for some people. He stimulated the economy in Germany which gave many people jobs again, but the evil that ensued and the lives he destroyed didn't justify the means.
in my bible highlights part, i am going to espouse a pro-soup kitchen/salvation army/homeless shelter view.
right on the heels of that, i'm going to support (higher) education as a means of bettering ones' self.. what will i get: insta-jc?
front of the hall talk?
very interesting..i would love 2 hear how this talk went.
this is something i've been mulling over.
just would like to hear opinions as to whether faders, or inactive ones think they are superior to disfellowshipped or disassociated ones?
what is your experience with this?
a Fader here & does not feel better than a DF or DA.....we are the same in that we are FREE & OUT of the Borg. for me, my freedom is enough..I do not need 2 make any stand against the borg.
Hi Butters & Headbangers.. welcome 2 the board, but I am still a newbie myself....
Headbangers (i am not 2 far from Nycity), if the city(manhattan), you were speaking about.
http://www.lse.co.uk/showbiznews.asp?code=au44814n&headline=princes_stripper_plea wednesday, 4th october 2006, 13:49. life style extra (uk) - prince pleaded with strippers to keep their clothes on during a recent night out.. .
the 'purple rain' singer, who is a jehovah's witness, is said to have begged the gorgeous girls to cover up while he was partying at top los angeles nightclub xenii.. .
according to reports, prince told the strippers: "it's wrong to dance like that.
Very true Indeed - Prince should not have been in that or any club 4 that matter. He is a hypocrite. & Mr. Prince, why did your JW wife divorce you?? ummmm - inquiring minds would like 2 know. Yes, poor guy is a hypocrite & following the blind.
since most of us on this board have left the org for one reason or another, do you still feel a sense of spirituality to the great spirit?.
if so how?
if not why?.
Hi All,
CD here :)
Yes, I consider myself spiritual in that I am thankful to God everyday for my life & all the blessings experienced on a daily basis.
well, my wife called him the other day to see if he had gotten our e-mails (never got back to us).
well i never told my wife i sent him the un ngo letter.
i guess he made comments to her that i'm an apostate and that he didn't want to tell me.
Hello -
Where can I see a copy of this NGO letter?
during my days as a witness, which was only about 10 years ending circa 1981, most of my memories revolve around how totally exhausted i always felt.
toward the last, i was dragging my family out to the five meetings a week and working fulltime and getting my quota of publisher hours on the little sheet every month, even doing the temporary pioneering bit now and again.
when i had the ministry school, i even worked a four day week to be able to give every talk on the program in case someone did not show up, which frequently happened in our little congregation west of fort worth, tx.
Hi 2 all, this is my 1st Post.....
Woodmonkey, I felt extremely tired & never was an elder. The WBTS puts sooo much pressure on ppl, especially men, to do more & more. They make you feel guilty for not doing enough. It is a vicious cycle & families suffer for it. Do not feel bad or think of yourself as a wimp. You are actually the smart one for realizing this & getting out.