TJ - that's great. Very well thought out and funny!
journey on - your post was equally hilarious!
q: how many members of the governing body does it take to change a light bulb?.
a: the light bulb does not need to be changed.
the light bulb, in an antitypical way, represents the light that emanated from the most holy, from between the cherubs atop the ark of the covenant.
TJ - that's great. Very well thought out and funny!
journey on - your post was equally hilarious!
it is hot here!.
somewhere over 90 degrees f. humidy must be 80%.
i have yard work to do but cant stay outside more than a few minutes at a time.. how is it there?.
It's 9:21 p.m. here and it's 86 degrees. With the humidity, it feels like 98 degrees according to the local weather station. If you love the heat (I DON'T!), come to Indiana. This has been a great summer for our air conditioning to conk out on us!
as per request, here is the story of bigdreaux and misanna's courtship.
hope you enjoy.
as i sat watching busload after busload of my fellow neighbors, flowing into the rest area, the reality of what was actually happening hit me.
Cool part 2 story! I'm glad it worked out so well for you. I'd say you both kinda saved each other - you saved her from abuse and the borg, she saved you from losing all hope in life. Thanks for filling us in.
where do you go with your thought process when you have lived long enough and researched enough to come to the conclusion that jesus and the bible are a fraud?
but having no vested interest but the search for truth and meaning in this life, and the availability of information in this day thats where i am.. i guess some of you are atheist, some are agnostic.
agnostic is what i call myself today.. .
jaguarbass - I know where you're coming from. Here's a quote of my reply to a similar question on a thread about 6 weeks ago:
I completely agree with your thoughts. A few months ago I posted something similar. When we DAd in Sept. of 2006, I was really confused about what to believe. Eventually, I came to the conclusion that I don't need to believe anything. I'm not athiest, christian, or any other title right now. I decided that whether "God" exists, whether creation vs. evolution occurred, whether there's a resurrection or heaven or hell or nothing when we die, I can't KNOW for a fact any of it. Since I can't KNOW it, I won't beat myself up about the possibility that I might believe something that is right or wrong. I plan to just live day to day, and now that I don't have to "wait on Jehovah" to make my life better, I can make choices and plan for the future with a more positive outlook. Good luck to you!
I don't know if that makes sense to anyone else. For me, this is my way of not allowing myself to feel pressured into believing anything right now. I'm not sure if agnostic even describes me, because an agnostic is in a way searching for an answer, but isn't sure. I'm not searching for an answer. I don't want to research and study and think and meditate before I decide what I believe. I'm taking a very passive approach.
To me, searching for answers to questions like whether or not god exists, or creation vs. evolution, or life after death is like trying to put a puzzle together without seeing what the picture is supposed to look like. Or better yet, it's like trying to put a puzzle together when you can't even be sure all the pieces ever existed.
having put some distance in between us and the wts, i can't read any of the society's publications without feeling extremely uncomfortable and irritated by the tone and language that the society uses.
it all sounds the same - patronising, guilt-inducing, condescending, intellectually unchallenging, etc.
as far as i'm aware the term is 'watchtower speak'.
having put some distance in between us and the wts, i can't read any of the society's publications without feeling extremely uncomfortable and irritated by the tone and language that the society uses.
it all sounds the same - patronising, guilt-inducing, condescending, intellectually unchallenging, etc.
as far as i'm aware the term is 'watchtower speak'.
No pun intended, right?
Sorry about the capitalization error.
having put some distance in between us and the wts, i can't read any of the society's publications without feeling extremely uncomfortable and irritated by the tone and language that the society uses.
it all sounds the same - patronising, guilt-inducing, condescending, intellectually unchallenging, etc.
as far as i'm aware the term is 'watchtower speak'.
Dubble speak.
Ha Ha!
Meaningless Dubble-talk.
having put some distance in between us and the wts, i can't read any of the society's publications without feeling extremely uncomfortable and irritated by the tone and language that the society uses.
it all sounds the same - patronising, guilt-inducing, condescending, intellectually unchallenging, etc.
as far as i'm aware the term is 'watchtower speak'.
I don't know of a specific "pet name" for it, but we should make one up.
How 'bout "dublish" as in "Hey, does anyone here speak Dublish?"
one thing that i really enjoyed taking part in was shepherding the flock.
i saw this as the perfect opportunity to really encourage others and help play a part in strengthening them.. however...... i started to despise giving shepherding calls.
the elders that i went with seemed to suck out any possible joy that both parties could receive from the visits.
Shepherding calls always make me think of having an annual employment review at a place you hate working for. They are exactly like the others said: an opportunity to lay all your "faults" out on the table and over-analyze them. First of all, we didn't get that many of them (thank heavens). But they usually weren't encouraging. Any problem we would bring up would be shot down with some over-simplified solution; there, all better, right?
One of the first times I remember realizing that the elders weren't as perfect as they seemed was at a circuit assembly. There was a talk about enjoying the benefits of shepherding calls. They decided to interview 2 elders from our congregation, as examples of exemplary shepherders. The elders stood up there and said how they make a strong effort to make shepherding calls on every person in the congregation at least once per year; they went on about how encouraging this has been, blah, blah, blah... That was an outright LIE!! At the time, we had been in the borg for several years, and maybe had one shepherding call. One. That's it.
If the CO picked them to be interviewed, then either he was in on the lie, and/or the elders falsified documents to look good for the CO's visit (which is highly likely.)
did you ever think about the fact that when you were a dub, it was pointless to buy a box of all occasion greeting cards?
it annoyed the heck out of me, because you couldn't use the ones for birthdays or most of the sympathy cards (because they often said "lord" or "god" in them).
so what would a box of jw greeting cards contain?.
You are a master greeting card designer! LOL!!! Thank you.