first off, before i respond to yadirfs ravings, let it be known (to all who havent checked ginnys link) that he posted these exact same words in another thread, but no one responded. (it was originally written with the word "troll" or "trolls" in the place of "apostate" or "apostates", by timothy....and then rewritten by friday as it is above) now he is so unbelievably attention starved, that he had to repost them in a new thread. so, lets feed the poor hungry troll.
As a result, they feel no sorrow whatsoever for the pain they inflict.
sorry, not true. if youd like friday, i can put together a list of "apology" posts from various apostates on this board to show you just how many do feel sorrow after intentionally or unintentionally inflicting pain on another.
Apostates are utterly impervious to criticism (constructive or otherwise). You cannot negotiate with them; you cannot cause them to feel shame or compassion; you cannot reason with them. They cannot be made to feel remorse. For some reason, apostates do not feel they are bound by the rules of courtesy or social responsibility.absolutely false. true of trolls like yourself yadirf, yes, but not of apostates, at least not the ones ive met on this board. ive met some of the most compassionate people i know on here, ive even watched them show compassion to the likes of you and your merry band of insult slingers.
as far as feeling remorse, many of the posters on here have shown sincere remorse for the people they hurt while in the org, and probably most are remorseful for every getting baptized in the first place.
turning these statements around though friday, when was the last time you showed sincere compassion or remorse in this way? or any other troll for that matter? id guess youll be hard pressed to think of a time, but if you do find one, please provide links. thank you.