I should have closed with the following comnment on my post.
When the clean-up is finally done by the Messiah through the Angels it will be fair and just. No one at that time will be able to argue what He does.They will not be able to say it is a cruel practice. It wasn't in the 1st century as I showed in the article. But it is now because no one on this earth has been appointed to do it.The effect that it has now on various individuals is proof of that. The broken heart's the broken spirit's the broken marriages, the destruction of the family unit. On and on it goes.
He will not be looking at the outward appearance of any man.
Isaiah 11: 3,4 tells how He will do it. "He shall not judge by the sight of His eye's neither decide by the hearing of His ear's; But with righteousness and justice shall He judge the poor and decide with fairness for the meek, the poor, and the down trodden of the earth" ...He imitates His Father Jehovah who told Samuel "Look not on his appearance,or at the height of his stature, for I have rejected him. For the LORD sees NOT AS MAN SEES; for man looks on the OUTWARD appearance, but the LORD LOOKS ON THE HEART." 1Samuel 16:7 When judging people today they can only view the outward appearance of things. None who have been judged by the Society or Elder arrangement have recived a fair and just hearing. Not one! That will all be straightened out in the finally. They will receive fair and just treatment. Do not believe for one moment that I think that wicked one's should be allowed to remain in the various congregations world-wide. I do not!
I do not believe though that it is any sinners, {and we are all that according to the Bible} position to remove them. To do so is pushing ahead presumptuously. What the Pope did or didn't do has no bearing on this discussion. None at all! When the time comes they will all answer for everything they did and failed to do, As will we all!