The WTS has talked about moving out of Brooklyn for years. The primary drivers were/are cash flow. The donation arrangement decreased cash flows significantly and with donations from Japan decreasing at an even faster pace than other donations the WTS has to do something. The WTS has been looking to move upstate even before the Patterson project started. Part of the reluctance to move from Brooklyn was because the older governing body members and wives did not want to move. The sale of the Furman building bought them time.
As cash flow deficiencies continue, as the older members of the governing body, with deep ties to Brooklyn, are losing their influence through death and aging and with fresh memories of 9-11, it is now time to go.
The WTS in recent years has become more of a fringe group. Moving out of Brooklyn will further isolate them from society in general. Selling the Brooklyn properties will likely cover the necessary cash flows for a decade or more. A decade from now, when the cash flows are almost completely gone, it will be interesting to see how the desperation will be reflected in changing doctrines.
A prediction... the WTS will circle the wagons and get even goofier because they will have plenty of funds after the move. They will have a significant amount of enthusiasm generated from the large scale building project. They will think that Jah is blessing them, when in reality this is this last 10 to 15 years of them as a viable well funded religion.