I didn't really even concider(or know about) doing this at the time I da'd....I just kind of jumped off the deep end and didn't look back. I don't know if that was a very healthy thing for me to do, because I was not sure why I did it and I was quite lost in the world. It took me 7 years to realize I did the right thing and that JW's are nothing but a dangerous cult.
Sometimes I wish I had faded out, so as to not miss my mom.....however it seems that going through all that may be harder that just jumping. Does fading prolong the agony and make it harder to heal? Or does it take the same amount of time to get over being in a cult regardless of the way you do it?
I guess in a way I am glad I was crazy enough to cut and run, even though it has been hard dealing with the consequenses. How about you?