I went on some web sites that gave study "talks" on different books of the bible...and the "sermon" that hit home with me most was on Eccl. I had always known the scripture where it reads that the dead are concious of nothing....(9:5,6) and I was not sure what I thought would happen to us when we died since that seemed so cut and dry...then the speaker pointed out chapter 10:19...which says money is the answer for everything....and explained how and why the book was written.(How things would be if there was no God and no hope) It was so enlightening to find that there is a way for a mere human to read the bible and understand without the society's help!
JoinedPosts by megsmomma
Bible Study - what do you think of this?
by Bad Girl ini cant help thinking that the original "bible students" did things the right way compared to how its done today.
they sat together in small groups, read and discussed scriptures and then wrote down their findings.
they did this until they had gone through the whole bible.. i know that reading the entire bible is a prerequisite for becoming a jw, but i wonder how many jws really do it or if most of them just know the regular snippets of scripture which are quoted in the magazines, and of course in field ministry etc.. i have decided that allthough i have read the bible - i think i am going to do a study of it the way these early bible students did, im going to read paragraph by paragraph and write down my findings and my feelings about what is written.
Yes, What You Really Wear Does Matter !
by The wanderer in<!-- .style1 { font-family: arial, sans-serif; color: #3e3e7b; } .style2 { font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; } .style3 {font-family: arial, sans-serif} --> yes, your clothing really does matterbeing one of jehovah's witnesses always made.
the individual conscious of the clothes you were .
the men had to wear suits and the women.
When I was younger, I remember my sister (about10)and an Elders daughter from another hall got the same fancy dresses for the memorial. It was a silky peach one with an semi-open back. Well.....an elder told us that it was innappropriate and basically called my little sister a tramp.....I get mad thinking about this.....and the elders daughter had no issues in her hall. It is typical.
Secret Santa (Gift Exchange) 2006
by Angharad inhope this hasnt been posted already, if it has someone tell me as i dont want to step on anyones toes !!.
well christimas will soon be here !!.
gadget did a great job of organising the forum gift exchange the last couple of years so i thought i would give him a break and volunteer to organise it this year.. for those that are new basically what it involves is that those who want to join in will post to this thread and then pm me their name and address.
I would like to do it too....but I have a ?.....I know how to respond to PM's (which I am assuming are personal messages on this board...) But, how do you start one?? (If that is what they are....)
Was Being A Witness, All THAT Bad???
by minimus ini mean, you could've been made to be an islamic fundamentalist or something, right?
And half frozen danish's! LOL LOL LOL!!
After you left JWs how did you work out what you believe now
by awol ini left jws 10 yrs ago and have just considered myself drifted.
never df'd.
could never go back as i personally found it too hard to live up to.
It is kindof ironic how I figured out some of the things I believe now. I have been DA'd for about 8 years, but I was like you and still had it in my mind that JW's were likely right. I had a baby 6 mo's ago, so my mom....who disowns me came to visit. She kept going on about how I need to come back...and my family is going to die, ect. Then she gave me some literature....and I told my husband..."Now that I have these JW books, we can study the Bible to see what I believe." I was actually thinking we would read the books and end up being witnesses. Fortunately he has never been brainwashed and he read some of the books...and said "well....it is very CLOSE to the truth.....but the real truth is just what the bible says" So, I began reasearching what JW's actually teach....like all the false prophesies....that Jesus is the mediator for only the 144,000....the way the JW's have affected peoples lives in very bad ways due to their policies....not based on the Bible....that they PURPOSELY have CHANGED THE BIBLE to fit their views.....I started to UNBELIEVE all of their beliefs....and that opened the door for me to begin to find out what I believe.( I am still so amazed that I never really knew what their teaching were in the first place....and I pioneered!) I found an EXTREMELY helpfull website with great experiences and "talks" that helped me to figure things out. I highly recommend it. If you search "mm outreach' and go to the MM Outreach ministries page....you can listen to a variety of speakers...and they address the things the way we were taught them, and then what the Bible actually says. It was so enlightening!
I hope this helps.......and Praying helped me too. I didn't know who to pray to, but God knew who I meant!
Amish forgivness
by megsmomma ini saw a part on the today show where matt was asking if it was possible an emotional disconnect to be able to forgive immidietly after such a terrible tragedy.
i personally feel it is not natural to be able to forgive something so big so quickly and it makes me think they all put on a front because they are a cult-like group too.
if they said "one family is forgiving, and another family is mad as h*ll about the whole thing,"it would be much more believable to me.
I saw a part on the Today show where Matt was asking if it was possible an emotional disconnect to be able to forgive immidietly after such a terrible tragedy. I personally feel it is not natural to be able to forgive something so big so quickly and it makes me think they all put on a front because they are a cult-like group too. If they said "One family is forgiving, and another family is mad as H*ll about the whole thing,"it would be much more believable to me.
I lived right by an Amish community in Orwell Ohio for a time and once when a friend came to visit from Az, we were doing laundry in the L-matt, and so were some Amish wemon. My friend was surprised because she expected them to be all quaint....like eating home-made miffins and reading the bible as they did laundry....but they were eating Dorito's, drinking Pepsi....and saying "sh*t" when the washing mashine wasn't working right. We are all just human and I think it is so unfair that any humans are forced to be a certain way, and not be able to express their true selves.
by whyamihere init's not forever, i just need some time away.
this is by no means a plea for attention.. this board has made me realize i am not alone, with my feelings and thoughts of the org.
however, i need to get my life in order around here - i need to spend time with my husband and children and start finally living for them(and me).
Well, I havn't been here long, but I have enjoyed your posts! I can relate to having the need to take a break from it all and get back to your daily life. Sometimes after reading posts and reasearching all the BS i was brainwashed to believe....I can't help but get upset....and my husband notices my mood. He gave me some great advice the other night. He said "You can read the boards and get upset...that is normal, but you need to balance the negatives of your past with good positive things, like where your life is now, and reading good things in the Bible to stregthen your knowledge." It made a-lot of sense for me. I wish you the best and look forward to "seeing" you again!
How can I be free ?
by youcanhaveago incan anyone tell me how i find peace of mind ?
how i feel my life is not pointless ?.
i truly feel lost .
One more thing I found really helpfull..... if you google mm outreach...it will lead you to a sight that has lots of information and experiences you can listen to that really makes you feel not so alone with what you are going through. My last reply...Promise!
How can I be free ?
by youcanhaveago incan anyone tell me how i find peace of mind ?
how i feel my life is not pointless ?.
i truly feel lost .
LOL....You know, after I found peace of mind....it was like all songs held different meaning and I kept thinking that it seemed that so many songs could be applied to leaving a cult! I wondered if any of the song writers had a history of JW background! The thought of medicine is a good one, and also, I think what started my road down recovry lane was going to therapy, originally for "dealing with my mom who disowned me" issues and was "diagnosed" as a person leaving a cult. That was the first time I really realized that THAT IS WHAT IT IS (AHHHHH!) and felt free to prove it to myself.
How can I be free ?
by youcanhaveago incan anyone tell me how i find peace of mind ?
how i feel my life is not pointless ?.
i truly feel lost .
You know the scripture that says "the truth will set you free"? Well....that refers to truth in the Bible....not what we were taught by an organization. Also...The Bible says if we lose family members for the sake of his name...we will gets those back from him? Well, we are a family here to make up as best we can for those we have lost. I have recently just found that since I was ready and willing to really pray and leave it to God to lead me in my research...I did get "the proper food at the proper times" from God! I have an 8 year old still in the religion and living with her dad, and it is truely heart breaking....so I really feel for you, but keep on going and keep on praying. Life does get so much better and your kids need to see that life goes on and it gets better when you are free!
Lots of sisterly love! Lyndi