The conversation came up because she was telling me to "go back to Jehovah" to save my family....and I was telling her I would never go back (though I didn't know all that I know now, and couldn't give her any info on what I now know)...Then I was telling her that by shunning me, it hasn't done anything to make me WANT to go back....which is when she brought up the stoning. Then I asked if I don't go back, will she again shun me and my new baby...Which she replied she would, so I told her to have my dad come get her and havn't had much conversations with her since.
I did talk to her when I found out the "truth about the truth"...but it made her mad and she hung up on me...and I have called her to leave messages on the babies progress a couple times.
She was saying I would be stoned when I first left because I was a fornicator....something she had done several times before her 2nd marriage. (But that was BEFORE she knew Jehovah) (so ,i guess she is safe, as my grandparents luthern religion doesn't teach that)