Awwwww, that is truely one of the saddest moments to experience. I am glad you have you great memories of him
JoinedPosts by megsmomma
I put my dear old dog to sleep
by Jez inafter 2 months of old age and illness, 2 cancelled vet appts, hoping he would get better, tears, frustration, watching him not eat, throwing up, becoming skin and bones, justifying keeping him, i stuck to this morning's appointment.. he was with me for the last 12 years of my life and his life has been entwined in so many of the memories i have.. to tell you about him, would be an essay.
i just want everyone to know that he was so close to me.
in the end, i kissed him on his head, said, "good boy, you're a good boy" and he laid his head on my hands and went to sleep.. i love you and will miss your crazy dog ways.
How should I report zero hours for November?
by OnTheWayOut inthis was my topic november 3rd;.
for the first time in my jw history, i turned in a slip with a big zero written in every column,.
turned it over and wrote "zero tracts" below that, i wrote "stumbled by the co".
I feel the suggestions from a-lot of posters makes sense. Turn in a little time each month to keep them from harrasing you...and gradually just make it less and less when you are ready and able to just drop them. You are doing a type of "preaching work" here, so you have put in time discussing JW's doctrine! I know it seems tempting in a way to have a confrontation....but as we know, they don't listen to any reasoning and it just ends up being stressful to you.
How should I report zero hours for November?
by OnTheWayOut inthis was my topic november 3rd;.
for the first time in my jw history, i turned in a slip with a big zero written in every column,.
turned it over and wrote "zero tracts" below that, i wrote "stumbled by the co".
Do you want them to ask you about it? If so, write a note on the back and turn it in. If not, just keep ignoring the subject and turn it in with 0 hours again and wait for them to care.
I am sooooooo upset
by megsmomma inthe wts makes me so angry....i just talked to my sh*t head step dad who treated me like crap all my life and who is now trying to tell me how apostate i have become and how it was me who left my mother in the first place when i left the dubs...(so i shunned her first????
) he said he could hear the "apostate" in my voice....god i hate it!!
there is no reasoning with them at feels so hopeless.
I guess it is a lesson learned on my part. I am new to this "apostate to the wtbts" thing....and I guess I thought what I found out about them was important to share with the people that have been decieved. I guess I still have the JW mentality in me that requires showing people the falsehoods they believe in. Maybe I too can learn to leave the subject alone with them and let them go on their merry miserable way.
I think the thing that got me so upset was being told I am an apostate, because I think of how my mom could tell my ex that, and it could result in my daughter veiwing me as bad. I still feel like I HATE THE SOCIETY OF A$S-HOLES!!!
I am sooooooo upset
by megsmomma inthe wts makes me so angry....i just talked to my sh*t head step dad who treated me like crap all my life and who is now trying to tell me how apostate i have become and how it was me who left my mother in the first place when i left the dubs...(so i shunned her first????
) he said he could hear the "apostate" in my voice....god i hate it!!
there is no reasoning with them at feels so hopeless.
He doesn't even understand in the slightest what he is saying he believes. He is in Texas working, and my mom lives in Nevada. They have never been anything resembling close in their marriage. My mom constantly is telling people how much she hates my step-dad and if it weren't for Jehovah, she would have left him a long time ago. Meanwhile, she enjoys his money and being able to be a victim of having an unbelieving mate (Poor poor her)
I have calmed down now, but I just can't believe how it is impossible to get in a single point with him. I made some good points, but he overtalked everything I was saying, so he didn't hear a thing. He says he hopes I find an organisation to help me learn the Bible...cause God always had an organisation, but when I said I have been to a church that doesn't require all kinds of made up laws, he tells me that "even the Bible taught standards".....HUH?? I have standards and live a very "good" Christian lifestyle......Just because I am not a JW, I have no standards.
I will not be speaking about any of the things I have learned to any of them anymore. I don't think I will be speaking to them about anything anymore. They are really not my family...but I have plenty of family that does love me and don't think I am a horrible apostate. They know I have finally been set free from a cult and are happy for me, and happy to hear what I have learned.
Thanks everyone for the loving support and understanding. I shouldn't let them affect me like that.
I am sooooooo upset
by megsmomma inthe wts makes me so angry....i just talked to my sh*t head step dad who treated me like crap all my life and who is now trying to tell me how apostate i have become and how it was me who left my mother in the first place when i left the dubs...(so i shunned her first????
) he said he could hear the "apostate" in my voice....god i hate it!!
there is no reasoning with them at feels so hopeless.
The WTS makes me so ANGRY....I just talked to my sh*t head step dad who treated me like crap all my life and who is now trying to tell me how APOSTATE I have become and how it was ME who LEFT my mother in the first place when I left the DUBS...(So I shunned her first????) He said he could hear the "apostate" in my voice....God I HATE IT!! There is no reasoning with them at feels so hopeless. I can't believe how quickly I have become labled as apostate....and yes, I am an apostate of the WATCHTOWER...but never of the Bible or God. He is so brainwashed...and he has never even been baptised. He said "It is the closest thing to the truth"...and I said have been told that, I would have said that too....He said "I haven't been told ANYTHING to believe" Whatever..........I HATE THE WATCHTOWER SOCIETY OF AS&HOLES
Happy Holidays WTS!
by My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW ini just want to say happy holidays.
you've outdone yourself with all the shunning articles this year.
my family has benefited greatly from them.
Maybe I am just super observant....but, do I catch a tad bit of sarcasm in that? LOL......Send them my love also!
Great News
by Undecided inmy grandson went back to the hospital for more test today and they found that the cancer was a type that can usually be cured.
the hospital is one of the best in the east.
i sure do feel better now.
Ken....I am so relieved to hear that. You had a-lot of good thoughts and prayers going your way, and I will keep them coming. YAY!!
Yet another way for the WTS to lose money
by Jourles inmold.
it's amazing that this little 4 letter word can cause a building structure to be shut down.
it is also a fact that this fungus can release toxic spores which can create many unknown illnesses in people of all ages.. i was recently told by a very reliable contact that due to the nature of the quickbuilds, most kh's utilize some sort of underground hvac system.
Wouldn't the society put it on each congregation to fix the problems themselves.....putting more finacial burdens on them, and taking even more time away from their families? (I don't know what the process would be) I do think it would make sense though as to why so many people are ill....besides the whole being in a cult thing.
Where does most of the WBT$ Literature really go?
by OUTLAW inthe wbt$ prints an incredible amount of literature..jehovah`s witness`s usually buy multiple copies of everything..where does it all go? can`t throw it away or burn it,only satan burns watchtower!
! mom has floor to ceiling copies of all of it..every jw i know has a garage,basement or spare bedroom filled with it..there must be millions of dollars worth of wbt$ literature that has never been placed door to door..where did most of your wbt$ literature really go?...outlaw
I had stacks and stacks of it EVERYWHERE too. When one old sister died, we helped clean out her house and we obtained much of her real old stuff too. (Wish I had some of that still) But, eventually it would be so out of control, I would HAVE to throw it out....bags at a time.