This was my topic November 3rd;
For the first time in my JW history, I turned in a slip with a big Zero written in every column,
turned it over and wrote "Zero Tracts" Below that, I wrote "Stumbled by the CO"
( See if you want to understand the CO comment.)I have had a couple months with 1 hour, several months with 2 or less than 5. As an elder,
I always maintained at least an average of 9.Well, I will update here as to what (if anything) they say about this.
I plan on saying:
After 11 years as an elder, if I am only worth 10 minutes to the Society's representative,
if he won't change dinner plans for me, then I understand that I am not worth the time.
I am sure you brothers have other valuable things to do with your time, so do I.I appreciate the support you all gave me when I first reported my progress. I will let you know
how it goes.
They said absolutely nothing to me about my field service hours.
They say hello, but otherwise don't say much.
It's time to report zero hours for November. Should I turn in a slip or not?
Should I write a comment on the back or not?