It has seen asserted by researchers that Jehovah's Witnesses were not persecuted for 'God's sake', nor for 'Jesus' sake', nor for the Bible's sake.
They were persecuted because of the things they SAID the Bible MEANT and for their INTERPRETATION of the Bible, seeing as how Jesus did not speak either English (The first translation of the NWT) nor German (another translation FROM English).
This article actually relates the contents of one of their pieces of literature; and also that this woman was arrested because of this literature. As Ray Franz brought out in one of his books, is passing out literature a mandate established by Jesus? Was this something the woman was told she HAD to do or else be judged bloodguilty by God?
There is no excusing the Nazi regime for the lives they took and the damage they did. On the other hand, would Jehovah's Witnesses/IBSA's ever have been a target of Hitler's if they did not preach that 'only jehovah's witnesses/IBSA's would be saved in the Armegeddon that was coming any minute...' Why did they teach these things? Because they were told to guessed it...J. F. Rutherford and his Watchtower Society. (What a far cry from the Mexican situation as outlined in Ray's book).
I am not aware that Rutherford nor the Watchtower ever expressed the slightest bit of regret about the lives their literature cost some of the German people. Telling everyone you're going to die die die' and 'be bird food' and whatever else unchristian messages they carried could ONLY have resulted in persecution of these very simple, probably good hearted German people; and it resulted in advertising and a lot of money in book sales for Rutherford and his business.
AND TO THIS DAY the Watchtower continues to use these dead people for advertising, for publicity, to produce more revenue. And not just the Germans. The Watchtower's policy of making Unchristian judgements on other people and governments is costing Greek men their freedom and Russian persons their very safety. The only thing that will end this seemingly never ending, multi-generational cycle is education of the public so that they do not FALL for this cult-oriented drivel in the FIRST place.
Rutherford was no different than Reverend Jim Jones or David Koresh, ready for their people to die for them for THEIR own personal reasons.
The Watchtower is no different than The People's Temple or the Branch Davidians; just follow the money trail.
And as far as The Watchtower being the only organization of its kind; THANK GOD ALMIGHTY!!!!! much dung, so little time...