((((((((((( Joel and Mitch ))))))))))
and the rest of the board
hey my friends,.
throw me some positive thoughts over the next few days.. my job worries are back and my brother called yesterday to say my mother is going downhill more quickly than i imagined.. mitch and i are off to visit her and dad tomorrow.. i had a terrible panic attack last night.
mitch got a xanax in me in the nick of time and i calmed down and went to sleep.. hope everyone is having a good holiday season.
((((((((((( Joel and Mitch ))))))))))
and the rest of the board
i read this article in the scottsdale tribune today.
i thought some of it was worthwhile, some of it biased.
this person obviously doesn't know anyone that had to make the difficult step of leaving a high-control religious group like the mormons.
>"Even immature junior high schoolers shunned by the “in crowd” soon learn that sulking does no good."<
This is true. Many of them commit suicide. Of course, they have voices we can't hear right now.....
ex-jw women: i, and i assume other ex-jw men, would enjoy hearing your views, opinions, feelings, analysis, and conclusions about your jw experience.
how did you feel about your husband, fathers, brothers, elders, ms's, and other women in the organizations?
did you generally feel oppression, and why?
For all of you interested in this topic (as of course I am)
And, if you don't feel like waiting for any more responses, try this:
1) www.silentlambs.org:
Bill Bowen said in a recent interview that there were near 200 experiences on his site, and I believe the number grows daily. Most of them women.
2) www.jehovahs-witness.com, the forum 'personal experiiences'. I counted over twenty experiences by women just since October of this year. Many of them are recent, which means to me their stories reflect the organization a sit is today and not 5, 10, or 15 years ago.
My heart just melts at these brave people who post their stories on this board. Many of them say right in the post how hard it was, and how long it took them. I spend a lot of time on that forum.
((((((((((( personal experiences posters )))))))))))
which is worse: thinking for yourself or raping children?
most sane people in the world, whether religious or not would clearly say the latter was the worse, and worse by as large a margin as could be conceived.
unless, that is, you are a jehovah's witness.. in jehovah land, thinking anything contrary to the organisation is the worst of crimes.
There is a part of this problem exclusive to Witneses, and I hope it doesn't get forgotten.
No other religion orders their adherents who are convicted child molesters to people's doors, some who haven't even finished their criminal cases yet. NO OTHER!!!
sometimes it's funny when a thread gets off topic----and sometimes it isn't.. a very good question has arisen.."are jehovah's witness elders culpable for damage done by the watchtower by virtue of their postition?".
somehow the topic changed to "don't blame elders for being 'in' the org, they may be mislead, that's all they know, they do some good, yada yada yada.... like hell!!!!!.
thee is a big world of difference between being 'in' the org for whatever reason, and being an elder, a public representative, an active campaigner, a judicial committee member...and i can go on and on here....of an organization that teaches death and destruction of most everyone on earth, and whose policies result in deaths of people probably every day.. if a person must stay in, then stay in.
Sometimes it's funny when a thread gets off topic----and sometimes it isn't.
A very good question has arisen.."are jehovah's Witness elders culpable for damage done by the Watchtower by virtue of their postition?"
Somehow the topic changed to "don't blame elders for being 'in' the org, they may be mislead, that's all they know, they do some good, yada yada yada...
Thee is a big world of difference between being 'in' the org for whatever reason, and being AN ELDER, A PUBLIC REPRESENTATIVE, AN ACTIVE CAMPAIGNER, A JUDICIAL COMMITTEE MEMBER...and I can go on and on here....of an organization that teaches death and destruction of most everyone on earth, and whose policies result in deaths of people probably every day.
If a person must stay in, then stay in. God knows I've been through that. But stay an elder? Or a pioneer? And soak up all the status and power and glory that goes with the 'title' and 'positon'? Sit on judicial committees, go to special schools, and so on and so forth?
Why should I not blame these individuals for harm done? What would the Watchtower be without elders and pioneers? How much damage could the Watchtower do anymore? How many more recruits could they make anywhere in the world without elders and pioneers? Our dear departed Watchtower might end up being a bunch of poor sisters with head coverings running the mikes and putting in their 15 minutes a month field service. If that.
<deep recovering breath>
Any 'elder' that thinks "oh, i'll just let this brother/sisteer be dragged in before a judicial committee, and go through this experience, I can do a lot of good." Eat shit and die, because that's the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. I can guarantee you that most of us who have been through a judicial committee (and me more than once) can disagree vehemently with that one, and especially being judged by elders who have never been before a judicial committee their own selves.
Do you hear all these people on this board, posting about 'the elders are coming, 'the elders have called' 'waiting for that knock on the door'waiting for the phone to ring'and so on. Doesn't that say anything to you? ANYTHING AT ALL?
You care about somebody and want to help them, you go to them and say so, one or two of you. Jest plain folks, not elders/pioneers/judicial committee members.
As for the active elders/bethel workers we have on the board here, I do appreciate everything they've done. But the truth be told, I wish for them the peace of mind and freedom that those who are 'out' have, and hope you find it soon. You'll have to leave to get it, tho. And it won't be handed to you like the Watchtower lyingly promises, you'd have to scratch and claw and scrounge for it like the rest of us plain folks.
Having said that, have a great and happy and safe holiday season, 'in' the org or 'out' of it.
why did you become a dub?.
a hope for something better?.
an acceptance that your parents religion was the truth?.
* http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=8761&site=3#120183
this might interest those of you who missed it the first time, for whatever reason...
i've been reading a lot of stories posted here and have to say i'm glad to know there are so many ex-jw's!.
so, jehovah's witnesses sounded pretty good to me-- it never occured to me that a religion could be wrong.
was i not good enough for god?
(((( Adonai438 ))))
Welcome to the board. Hope to see more or your posts. Considering what you've been through, you seem to have a very balanced and charitable attitude.
yes, i was a jw.
i was brought up with the c of e, not that this means much of itself.
i was a misfit at school and felt i did not belong and wondered about the meaning of life.
(((( jed459 ))))
...and welcome to the board. It's a roller coaster in here, but there are many kind and caring people.
Hope to see more of your posts.
this is my first post and i must say that i have been lurking here from time to time and have been impressed with the content.
back in college i visited the old h2o site many times and this is definitely superior.
thanks to all for the rich content i've been enjoying.. my great mother was a witness making me a fourth generation.
((((((((((( Perry ))))))))))
...and welcome to the board. Your insights and perceptions are a very welcome addition here. YOU are welcome here.
bluesapphire wrote on dec. 5:.
hey, there is a very good article on mormon shunning on the front page of the saturday los angeles times.
i'm going to respond to this journalist and tell him about the dubs.
Check this out, there isn't much Dana doesn't know about the Ex Mormon movement. Say hi to him from me...
...Dana Robertson [email protected] View My Web Sites!!!!
Everything You Wanted To Know About The LDS Church, But Were Afraid To Laugh
* http://exmormon.8m.com NEW!!!
The Anti-Mormon Preservation Society.
* http://antimormon.8m.com....