I agree with Aguest, that Jethro was Moses' 'Lord' in both ways; as a leader of his people with whom Moses took refuge as the Egyptians had a warrant out for him (Moses)and also as his father-in-law.
In spite of the fact that Jethro was a distant relative of Moses, and a descendant of Abraham, it nowhere says that jethro was a worshipper of the true God. In fact. later, when Moses was reunited with Aaron and Miriam, they complained that Moses had come back with a 'foreign' wife. (it is inferred here that they are discussing Zipporah, but the account seems obscure on the point to me.)Not to mention that, even though it appears that Zipporah set out with Moses and their children to return to Egypt, there was some kind of big falling out, with Zipporah chopping off her child's (only one of the two) foreskin and throwing it at the feet of SOMEBODY and making (twice)the 'bridegroom of blood' statement.
Just as it was recently brought out that although Abraham took his aged father with him when he set out from Ur to go a'wanderin', nowhere does it state that Abraham's father worshipped the true God.
It also doesn't state anywhere that Noah's wife, daughters and son-in-law worshipped Jehovah. Nor Lot's wife and daughters. And on and on.
Family, even 'unbelieving' family, is a lot more important to Jehovah than the Watchtower would have you believe.
You see why I like the Bible so much. These dysfunctional Biblical characters make ME feel NORMAL!!!