>"I know I said I wouldn't post here again because of the way I made everyone upset over AlanF,but I thought you all might want to know what took place and I do need some advice."<
Why would you want to stop posting here just because some of us got upset about you telling a stranger to 'go get psychiatric help', which I considered inapapropriate in the circumstance, and it was only my personal opinion anyway, and many of us have personally MET AlanF, and he says he doesn't take offense half as much as some of the rest of us did on his behalf!!!!! <pant pant>
You gotta love this internet discussion board thang, huh!!!
Anyway, back on topic----you go Danni!!!!!!
What they usually wind up doing is throwing bible scriptures at you like they do at the meetings. "Now turn with me to Genesis, now turn with me to Revelation, and so on, not giving you a chance to catch your breath. What to do about that I don't know.
here's something for you: at the kingdom hall, a young boy can carry a microphone. a girl cannot. why? To me, if they forbid a girl from carrying a microphone, they should forbid a girl to clean the kingdom hall toilets as well.
Why can a 13 year old boy get up and give A BIBLE READING but a woman with a college education, advanced teaching credentials, and ten years on the writing staff at Bethel not get up and just READ THE BIBLE? Even sitting down,, she can't do it?
These are the kinds of questions they have no answer for, other than "that's just the way we do things'. Any interview with a Jehovah's Witness should be follwed with:
I've seen it work a hundred times at least.
Hee hee.
In 1975 a crack team of publishers was sentenced to death by a judicial commiteee. They promptly escaped from the cult and now live life on the run. If you have a problem ... and if you can find them ... maybe you can contact the A--postate Team"