>if you have something negative to say about the WTBS then it's immediately accepted by all as Gospel handed down from on high to the accompaniment of an angelic corus<
I won't call you an outright liar, since you seem only to be expressing an opinion BUT:
1) what amccullough originally posted to this thread is NOT favorable to the Watchtower, but would be a backup to what silentlambs has been saying IF IT WERE VERIFIABLE. That's his/her choice.
2) When the silentlambs case became know, silentlambs produced a ton of evidence to back up his claims, and continues to do so until this day. Nothing is taken on faith, and besides we have good old J R Brown do most of the dirty work for us anyway, meaning the watchtower admitted to the allegations.
3) When the Watchtower UN case broke, hawkaw, Zev, and everybody else involved obtained a ton of supporting evidence for this case, and still continue to do so today day, plus the Watchtower itself has admitted to the allegations.
4) the rape resistance scandal, the bethel World trade center scandal, the 26 dead children on the face of an awake scandal; the Malawi and Mexico scandals....the Watchtower does the supporting evidence itself. There is no reason not to believe and jump on the bandwagon.
And again, what you and amccullough have posted to (if you're saying you saw what amccullough saw) is only a backup of what silentlambs has been saying.
For which I thank you both.
In 1975 a crack team of publishers was sentenced to death by a judicial commiteee. They promptly escaped from the cult and now live life on the run. If you have a problem ... and if you can find them ... maybe you can contact the A--postate Team"