I cannot BELIEVE how JW men can get so upset over their own lack of self-control! And then to take it out on you? And their jealous wives can't tell them to put their eyes back into their heads? No, I guess not...they always like to blame the woman in every situation.
Whew, I don't want to even get started on that. It makes me want to find some good castrating shears and go to the meeting Sunday to neuter all of them.
My little sister has been having E's or G's since she was about 14. She is 16 now, and they are still growing. She says they make her hurt and that she wants a reduction. One day, my mom and her friend were discussing this, and my dad and his friend overheard the conversation. Being idiot JW men, they said "she needs to wait until she's married to ask her HUSBAND'S opinion on having a reduction because they will be his breasts to judge".
I wasn't there, but if I was, I would have spit fire and made them cry for being so stupid. My mom said, "if they hurt her, it doesn't matter what you or any man thinks, she will do whatever the hell she wants with HER breasts". End of story.
If you want an operation done on your body, that's your business. I see no need to even try to convince your husband to be ok with it. I would tell him "look, I hate them, and they have got to go. You aren't a big-breasted woman, and until you become one, you can stay neutral".
But the thing is, do you really want a reduction? Don't think about the goofy men and their sons, or your husband. Those types of guys will stare and gawk at you anyway because men will do the same to a flat-chested girl. If you go through the reduction and they keep looking you over anyway (which they will), you might feel bad about blowing money for that reason. I think you should think hard about how much they make you physically uncomfortable, and how you'd like them to look on you, then go from there.
Why can't the gogglers learn that they make people uncomfortable by behaving like wild animals?