Look Adam I know you may feel a little odd, looking at the other animals
having fun.
James have you ever seen a bunch of cats or frogs trying to mate? It doesn't look like fun to me. LOL!! For some reason they keep doing it.
i wonder did god instruct adam about the no, no's in procreation and sex.. look adam i know you may feel a little odd, looking at the other animals.
having fun.
so i giving you a mate, but don't do like the birds, horses and .
Look Adam I know you may feel a little odd, looking at the other animals
having fun.
James have you ever seen a bunch of cats or frogs trying to mate? It doesn't look like fun to me. LOL!! For some reason they keep doing it.
so i meet sister ott zealot.
she says ah .... its lovely to see you; how are you doing.
i said yeah i'm fine thank you!
" Most dubs are weird".
I have to agree with you there William LOL!
a bit of introspection on this one ... just read on someone's post that a compliment makes him "float" for hours, and it got me thinking; within the spectrum of comments that people make about me, from compliment to criticism, which is the type that most affects me?.
after my experience as a jehovah's witness, i find that i've become suspicious of compliments and over-sensitive to criticism.
because a common technique of elders was to compliment someone before going down to business, that is, giving hard counseling or discipline.
for the past three years, my husband and i have been watching these sermons by remarkable worldwide speakers.
the biblical truths we have learnt from their presentations, in such a short period of time most definitely tip the scales compared to the truth the jw.org led me to believe i had for over 20 plus years of my life.
thanks to these videos, we have now found the truth and the truth is jesus christ (john 14:6).
I hope you will find Him too
He is a wonderful God isn't He, because He cares for all His creation.
How do you know it's him and not her or they?
I'll remain an agnostic until some truthseeker can prove differently.
for the past three years, my husband and i have been watching these sermons by remarkable worldwide speakers.
the biblical truths we have learnt from their presentations, in such a short period of time most definitely tip the scales compared to the truth the jw.org led me to believe i had for over 20 plus years of my life.
thanks to these videos, we have now found the truth and the truth is jesus christ (john 14:6).
for the past three years, my husband and i have been watching these sermons by remarkable worldwide speakers.
the biblical truths we have learnt from their presentations, in such a short period of time most definitely tip the scales compared to the truth the jw.org led me to believe i had for over 20 plus years of my life.
thanks to these videos, we have now found the truth and the truth is jesus christ (john 14:6).
I stopped believing in fairy tales a long time ago. I am a truth seeker by the way. LOL
back in the day, when my family moved to a new congregation, i fell head over heels with a young sister who was an elder's daughter.
it wasn't long before we were talking about marriage and i was contemplating buying her an engagement ring.
my parents were not happy at all.
it couldn't be from a watchtower cover, right???
does anyone know?.
whenever we visit the board we see a lot of angst among jehovah's witnesses who are just learning the tatt (the truth about the truth).
hey, don't feel bad, we had it at one time ourselves.
"angst means fear or anxiety (anguish is its latinate equivalent, and anxious, anxiety are of similar origin).
"I tell my wife that I no longer want to be a witness and I refuse to raise my kids as witnesses any longer. She feels blindsided and goes to the elders. They recommend that she separate from me as I am a spiritual endangerment."
I'd cut her the hell loose!
And no it's not "just dance". Enjoy life and everything else will fall in place,
i left in the 90's and marriage partners were similar in age at my former congregation.
i ran into a former jw friend from my childhood.
i haven't seen him in 15 years.