How to Choose a Wife!

by snugglebunny 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • snugglebunny

    Back in the day, when my family moved to a new congregation, I fell head over heels with a young sister who was an elder's daughter. It wasn't long before we were talking about marriage and I was contemplating buying her an engagement ring. My parents were not happy at all. They thought that she was way too pretty and my father commented that she could beckon a man over by just curling her eyelashes. When the CO's visit was due, he and his wife were booked in for lunch at our house and we duly all sat around to dine. My parents brought up the subject of my courtship with said lady, I think that they were hoping that I'd break off the relationship and become a pioneer or something equally tedious. The CO's wife immediately jumped in and demanded to know if I had requested to see her record card! According to her, anyone intending to marry a fellow JW was entitled to check up their field service record card to make sure they were doing sufficient hours in the ministry. Only in this way could one ever be sure that a prospective fiance / fiancee was up to scratch and worthy of a marriage proposal.

    Isn't that the strangest thing?

  • hoser
    No, that isn't the strangest thing. It is standard operating procedure among self righteous dubs.
  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot
    I thought the CO's wife was going to request a hymen check.
  • EdenOne

    It's more or less 'standard practice' to go to the elders of the congregation of your love interest and ask for informations before going ahead with serious dating.


  • _Morpheus
    Strange in the real world yes, in dubbie land no. Its standard operating procedure to make sure your prospective "mate" is up to par, cult wise. See tight pants tony remarks regarding sisters not marrying some who isnt at least a MS
  • OneEyedJoe

    Yeah, I've heard from the platform numerous times that you should discuss any potential marriage mate with the elders in their congregation.

    Another thing along the same lines (also heard from the platform in more than one congregation) is the story of a girl that was dating a JW and one day she suggests that they leave the cult and go alope. When the young man agreed, she revealed that it was a test and ended the relationship. The message being that someone that is loyal to the cult before you will make an ideal marriage mate.

  • FayeDunaway
    Joe that story is witness lore, the version I heard is someone was baptized because he liked a witness girl. She tested him and said 'go throw your service bag in Lake Erie and I'll marry you.' He did, and failed her test.
  • OneEyedJoe
    Yeah, I figured this to be the case since I've heard variations from different sources. The fact that they would openly encourage such deception from the platform always bothered me.
  • _Morpheus
    Heard the same story. Theocratic warefare
  • Vidiot


    Virtually guarantees the marriage will be miserable.


    Which, from an evolutionary standpoint, makes a weird kind of sense, I suppose... effectively limits the reproductive opportunities for lower-ranked members of the group, which - almost by default - increases the opportunites for higher-ranked members.

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