JoinedPosts by truthseeker100
Last night's bible highlights: David was wrong to greive for his son!
by purrpurr inlast night's bible highlights was really eyebrow raising!
the brother pointed out at lenght about how david had wept when his son absalom was killed.
but that because absalom was killed while opposing jehovah that means that david was wrong and weak to greive for him.. it was applied to today by saying that if our children are df'd when they die then we should not grieve for them either!.
I was told that you shouldn't grieve for those even close to us that have died. They died in the truth so it's much more important to concentrate on making it through the Great Tribulation and Armageddon so that we could see our loved ones again after they are resurrected. I just sit back and thank the GB for providing the spiritual food that only them and their organization provides??? -
How do you distinguish Americans?
by paulmolark in
apparently americans are all chubby, baggy clothes wearing optimistic fast food eaters.
who knew.
My family (whats left of it) has been in North America for the last 3 hundred years on both sides of the boarder. The English part of Canada is not much different from the US I have traveled very much in both.
It bugs the CRTC so bad that we don't for the most part like to watch all that Canadian Crap on TV. Now days most of the info and tv programs reach us if we want them to.
The Quebecois people up here though are just as delusional as witnesses on their place in North America in my humble opinion.
Go to Quebec and advertise English food in your restaurant. You will have to do it with French signs or be fined. LOL sounds like freedom. Go to Toronto or Winnipeg or Calgary or Vancouver you can advertise in the language of your choice. No body cares!
Schoolyard bully mentality
by FusionTheism ini'm not naming names, but i just want to encourage people on here or on reddit or twitter, and tell you that you do not have to tolerate people who act like schoolyard bullies in the way they speak to you online.
i think anonymity is a big part of it.
they feel like there is zero accountability so they can be a bully all they want.. i recommend just ignoring or blocking anyone who is verbally abusive or treats you like schoolyard bullies treated you.. life is way too short to spend any time dealing with those kinds of people..
Faye did I say anything that could be construed as an attack? -
Schoolyard bully mentality
by FusionTheism ini'm not naming names, but i just want to encourage people on here or on reddit or twitter, and tell you that you do not have to tolerate people who act like schoolyard bullies in the way they speak to you online.
i think anonymity is a big part of it.
they feel like there is zero accountability so they can be a bully all they want.. i recommend just ignoring or blocking anyone who is verbally abusive or treats you like schoolyard bullies treated you.. life is way too short to spend any time dealing with those kinds of people..
A bully is a bully. Doesn't matter where they are.
Why would anyone want to interact with a bully?Fusion, why interact with a bully? If your facts are indisputable and your conclusions are correct. Why not?
Just think of David and Goliath.
McKinney Texas pool party?
by Marvin Shilmer inso today i was asked my thoughts on the pool party incident in mcminney, texas.
my response: it shows a clash of expectations.
i saw police officers who expected citizens to listen to and follow instructions.
I have looked at the link that violias has provided it does give a different perspective maybe true. I don't trust the news media to report things accurately either. Sounds like we need a jury to decide what really happened. I have had teenage daughters too and if I ever saw some copp treat one of my daughters like this there would be hell to pay. -
Schoolyard bully mentality
by FusionTheism ini'm not naming names, but i just want to encourage people on here or on reddit or twitter, and tell you that you do not have to tolerate people who act like schoolyard bullies in the way they speak to you online.
i think anonymity is a big part of it.
they feel like there is zero accountability so they can be a bully all they want.. i recommend just ignoring or blocking anyone who is verbally abusive or treats you like schoolyard bullies treated you.. life is way too short to spend any time dealing with those kinds of people..
I recommend just ignoring or blocking anyone who is verbally abusive or treats you like schoolyard bullies treated you.
Fusion, you can recommend ignoring but blocking sounds like a witness disfellowship doctrine to me. No body on this site can hurt you so they certainly are not school yard bullies.You can put your ideas out there just be able to defend them.
Now Even JW Men Are Going To Die At The Big A
by OneFingerSalute inso this weekend there was a part about not following jesus at a distance.
the speaker made a big point of stating that any baptized jw male who was not either appointed ms/elder, or at the very least "reaching out" actively, was in fact following jesus at a distance.
he said that the only way to live through the big a was to follow jesus closely.
Spit you out of his mouth because you're lukewarm.
Hence we were supposed to use every free moment to worship him. For example, I was made to preach and read magazines during school lunch. Walking to school was to be spent praying and meditating. Every second was to be used to fill one's mind with jehoopla, otherwise satan would have a way in.
What Rebel18 said is spot on, from what I remember.
i committed the unforgiveable sin
by 060702015 ineveryday i wake up with knots in my stomach and trouble breathing.
my life continues to go into a downward spiral.
in the past, i had my dependence on god.
Welcome to the forum 0607 and congratulations on getting your degree.Look to the future soon you will be a working stiff.LOL keep posting and again well done getting your education behind you. -
New Light on HOLIDAYS and BIRTHDAYS? (September 2015 Watchtower)
by FusionTheism inwatchtower-- simplified study edition, september 2015, "is your conscience a reliable guide?":.
in ancient rome, some christians had different opinions about certain foods and celebrations.
what advice did paul give them?
Not celebrating birthdays and holidays will always be part of the cult. Can you imagine what the outcome would be for example if they let a child celebrate a birthday and had a party with non believing extended family members.Social interactions like this would cause the cult to lose control. Not to mention holidays like Thanks Giving and Xmas. It would be a cult control catastrophe. -
Do you consider this site Godly or Ungodly
by Truthexplorer inover the years, i have seen a change in heart with the country i grew up in and the general view of what they perceive as how everyone should view things in relation to morality.
a strictly religious country for centuries now forever changed within a short number of years.
i have also seen the viewpoint on this site gradually change in many ways.
Ever since a certain event took place? I feel life is getting better now,no need for god to intervene. Funny how peoples perceptions of certain events are different!