When my mum declared herself anointed she got a lot of opposition within, she had to flea one KH or they would have d/f'd her. She is now in her 60's and I personally think she was going through depression when she declared herself chosen. I doubt if god would want her in heaven with him, she would talk over him and tell him where he was going wrong. Meek and mild are not words you would associate with my mum. She is controlling, but she is also someone who has put her heart and soul into worshipping Jehovah and following his organisation despite all the crap it has thrown at her. I wouldn't know where to start there, but I remember when I was growing up and my dad hit her once and she went to the elders and all they said is that you need to be in submission or these things will continue happening. I wrote to Bethel complaining and I was very young, but they never responded. Also she has had a feud with her neighbour over land entitlement who was very mentally challenged, and the PO in the congregation volunteered himself a witness in court, siding with this man over my mum, he had no business in any of this but went out of his way to make it his business. She lives on her own in an empty house South West of England and does everything for the religion. You don't get many like that in the religion who are that zealous although she does have her faults. She is a difficult person, but she doesn't deserve the grief she gets. She genuinely thinks that she gets this grief because Christ got likewise and she is a bride of Christ! I just think the religion, especially the elders and attachees to them are nasty pieces of shit. On the whole, they have silly menial jobs where they get told what to do by non-JW's who are half their age, they build up a lot of frustration because of this and let it rip within the congregation. My mum could have been something, but because of that religion she has fucked up her life completely. It breaks my heart that she cannot see that there is true happiness out there and being a JW only enhances her depression, which she refuses to get help for or admit that she has depression. I cannot even advise her to get help - when I have she tells me I'm demonic! JW org is a classic mind control religion, it seeks to divide and rule - anointed / great crowd = class system, it doesn't promote peace and harmony. But then I am yet to find anything within the religion that does. They can draw their simplistic pictures of a child stroking a tiger and promote an ideology, but when youre in it you realise that the religion is very very rotten, ugly and vile.
It's my birthday today and my birthday wish is that my mum leaves that evil religion, and allows her children (all 4 of us grew up in the JW religion but quick stepped out when it the opportunity arosed), her grandchildren (6 of them) to show her how to live life in a happy, positive and fulfilling way. The religion doesn't allow you happiness. Fingers crossed.