Well, it's funny becasue at what point do you consider that it isn't the truth anymore? Let me explain. Jesus stated that he would come on an hour nobody knows, and that the sheep and goats would be divided and that the preaching work would take place just before the end and that christians should evangelize. Also, that fornication was a gross sin and so on, so these are TRUTHS within the structure of the biblical arangement which if you believe that must be observed.
Now, how about this , Jesus never existed and was a rehash of Egyptian legends - and that the bible is also a rewrite of the Egyptian holybooks (the Israelites came from Egypt conveniently) The simularity between Jesus and Iris or Osis are most compelling and then there's the Roman SunGod (name escaps me!) who is so similar to Jesus , even down to coming down from heaven to cleanse us from sin, and having twelve disciples, now thats a little too close for comfort - surely when you study these, you are left with no doubt ????
Perhaps. There is virtually no mention of Jesus in the history books, with Historians agreeing that Josephus comments were " added later". Very interesting. The bible is not that impressive technically, when you consider that the Egyptians knew the actual circumference of the earth, let alone Jobs comments that it was round ( a circle ) which it actually isn't.
The society has been one big lie, theocratic warfare ( " The devil is a liar and the father of the lie" - bible) Child sacrifice - blood issue. Protecting paedophiles - even the "wicked people" in the world find that abhorent . But they're all goats to be destroyed. Argue with a Jehovahs witness and you will see thaey are not at all rational, they can only work in a circular WT reasoning. Why the WTBTS even control you down to the conversations you have ( Jehovahs Witnesses enjouy talking about the ministry" - in other words converting more people to the cause)
Very scary mind control cult ? If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, chances are it's a duck.
Or just unbelievable incompetence. I believe in the words of the Budda " We are what arises within our minds. With our thoughts we make our world.". We see things not as they are, but as we are. Time will tell, if we are right or wrong. If for one, would rather not support a religion that teaches women to "remember the feelings of their rapist" and that protects paedophiles . But them, I'm wicked to not submit to our "mother" mind control organization.