Regretably I dont not have my bible as I sit in this internet cafe! But there is a scripture in the 'Christian scriptures' which states " We are not, as some are Pedlers of Gods word.". This is quite interesting, as we know the Jws have made a tidy profit form this venture and the power of dispensing Gods word, must be quite nice?? We are advised by our "Mother"/ "Gods wife" (surely blasphemous?) that we cannot read the Bible alone, for fear of apostasy. Yet the Bible itself, states the opposite (Mark chapter 9 I think) So, its pretty compelling. Gods wife is telling lies about him. Nice.
What kind of corruption and power mad idiocy, can make one proudly trumpet the claim that they are ' Gods Wife ?'
But then one has to ask, the Bible states that one should make disciples of all the nations, preach about Gods kingdom, so on and so forth. How many religions do that?
Maybe, are Jehovahs witnesses to be revealed as the Anti Christ. Lets face it, they've brought more shame on the name of Jehovah than can be imagined. Yet the last time I attended the hall, an Elder was on the platform asking for an extra 50 pounds(93 dollars) a week to refurbish the hall in eight years time to ' truly bring glory to the name of Jehovah.'
Yep, baffles one! I go for, "Satan keeps transforming himself into an angel of light." Corinthians I think. NOT gods publishing house,.