Hi NotFormer, it seems I may have confused things in my post on another thread.
Revelation 14:1 says that the 144,000 are standing with the Lamb on Mount Zion. This is understood to be in heaven. The spirit-anointed Christians on earth (referred to as "the anointed") are those who have a heavenly hope that when they die and are resurrected they will become part of the 144,000 in heaven.
Between 1927 and 2012 the FDS was believed to consist of the entire body of the anointed on earth. Now it is believed it only consists of the GB collectively.
So the FDS is not identical with the 144,000. The FDS is on earth and the 144,000 are in heaven.
You are right that it is only the anointed who partake of the Lord's Evening Meal. This is because they are part of the covenant for a kingdom (Luke 22:29) to rule as kings with Christ (Revelation 5:10)
The change in identity of the FDS does not affect whether or not someone is spirit-anointed or their heavenly hope. It does not affect whether they will rule as kings with Christ. In fact, for the overwhelming majority it doesn't affect them at all.
As a group the anointed are also referred to as "the remnant", the remaining ones on earth. Contrary to what Sea Breeze wrote, "the remnant" consists of all the anointed, not just the GB.
To be a member of the Governing Body you must be (or claim to be) spirit-anointed. So they will continue to partake along with all the other anointed at the Lords Evening Meal.
As mentioned in the post I referred to, when the group work together as the Governing Body, they act as 'the faithful and discreet slave'. Whether "working together as the Governing Body" means it only occurs in a properly convened meeting is not stated. But as I hope it is now clear, partaking has nothing to do with whether or not someone is part of the FDS.