DesirousofChange : It was common practice on occasion ie a JW compromising on neutrality to simply verbally "spread the word" that so-and-so should be treated as DF'd. They did not want to DF someone for joining the military ...
Shepherd the Flock of God, October 2022, Chapter 18, para. 3 (4), 5 says
Actions that may indicate disassociation include ... taking a course that violates Christian neutrality. (Isa. 2:4; John 15:17-19; "How to Remain in God's Love" pp. 60-63, 244). If he joins a nonneutral organization, he has disassociated himself. If his employment makes him a clear accomplice in nonneutral activities, he should generally be allowed six months to make an adjustment. If he does not, he has disassociated himself.—See "How to Remain in God's Love" pp. 204-206.
The coordinator of the body of elders should approve the announcement before an elder reads it to the congregation [at the next midweek meeting]. It should read as follows: “[Name of person] is no longer one of Jehovah’s Witnesses".