Disillusioned JW : But despite saying the discovery is of a translation older than the Sinaiticus, the article says the discovered text "... was first written in the 3rd century CE and copied in the 6th century CE"
The article in LiveScience throws a bit more light on the subject. It says :
The most recent text on the parchment is written in Georgian, and there is an earlier text underneath it written in Greek. But when Grigory Kesselpens in new tab), a scholar who studies Syriac with the Austrian Academy of Sciences, examined UV images provided by the Vatican library, he found yet another layer hidden beneath the Greek text.
The Old Syriac text contains part of Matthew 12:1. Kessel speculated that someone copied the verse onto the parchment during the sixth century. Based on the language, Kessel estimates that the original may have been produced in the third century.
The article Kessel wrote [A New (Double Palimpsest) Witness to the Old Syriac Gospels (Vat. iber. 4, ff. 1 & 5)] can be found in New Testament Studies where he says that there can be no doubt that it was produced no later than the sixth century. Despite a limited number of dated manuscripts from this period, comparison with dated Syriac manuscripts allows us to narrow down a possible time frame to the first half of the sixth century.