Diogenesister : Is Lorena Russell Charlie Russell's wife? Or sister??
Apparently she is unrelated. See the link provided by "vienne".
wife and i visited the russell gravesite in allegheny (pittsburgh) pennsylvania yesterday.
i’ll post photos if i can get them to upload on the hotel wifi..
text: matthew 24:45-47.
45 “who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom the master has put in charge of the servants in his household to give them their food at the proper time?
46 it will be good for that servant whose master finds him doing so when he returns.
At the time of the appointment of the faithful slave in 1919 it was understood to include all anointed Christians, and at that time all Christians were anointed. So it's a bit of nonsense to say that the faithful slave was appointed at Watchtower Headquarters. Or to say it included Watchtower directors as it included everyone. Or to speak of the appointment being passed on to subsequent Watchtower directors.
It was only in 2012 that there was a change in understanding that the faithful slave only referred to the Governing Body collectively (not individually).
comedian katt williams wrongly disfellowshipped by jehovah's witnesses!!!.
here is the link: https://jehovahstruth.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=59.
golden 4altar.
00:59 - 01:08 "Anything that I'm going to do is going to fall out the guidelines but I'm not going to let you tell me what I'm going to be ..."
01:34 - 01:40 "Don't try and disfellowship me for sexual acts and I'm a virgin."
It's not quite clear why the disfellowshipping is described as wrong. He was apparently (according to his words) disfellowshipped for sexual acts which he justified because he didn't lose his virginity. Without knowing any further details it is simply conjecture, but sexual acts + lack of repentance = disfellowshipping. Case closed.
i have a question about this article.. https://www.jw.org/en/jehovahs-witnesses/faq/jw-education-school/.
higher education can lead to moral and spiritual dangers.
a bible proverb says: "the shrewd one sees the danger and conceals himself.
Balaam's Ass, the same paragraph is in the October 2023 "Shepherd the Flock of God" edition.
not sure if this has been posted or not, apologies if it has.
i did a quick search and did not see it.
https://archive.md/5zcdi -a sunshine coast jehovah’s witness figure accused of horrific sex crimes has been remanded in jail for fresh offences which allegedly occurred the same day he attended court.. and https://archive.md/r2o6x -a sunshine coast jehovah’s witness figure who allegedly used his position in the church to sexually assault young men has been arrested by police.
did rutherford have any "prophetic" justification for 1919 as the date that jesus declared him (ahem, the wt organisation) the fds?
such as some calculation attached to 1914?
that in 1919, jesus would come looking for his true organisation?.
Malachi 3:1-3 mentions an inspection of the spiritual temple, followed by a time of cleansing. But the justification for the year 1919 can be found in Revelation 11 and the prophecy about the "two witnesses".
It describes a short period of 42 months when the "two witnesses preached in sackcloth"
(from Autumn 1914 to Spring 1918). They were then symbolically killed (by imprisonment) but were brought back to life in the early part of 1919. This is discussed in a Question from Readers in WT November, 2014.
i have a question about this article.. https://www.jw.org/en/jehovahs-witnesses/faq/jw-education-school/.
higher education can lead to moral and spiritual dangers.
a bible proverb says: "the shrewd one sees the danger and conceals himself.
TTWSYF : Isn’t it bizarre that an organization that boastfully prides itself on “true” scriptural interpretation would look suspiciously at theological studies?
Not at all. Theological studies often includes source criticism, form criticism, redaction criticism, tradition criticism and/or canonical criticism, all of which discount inspiration of the scriptures. They say there are no atheists in foxholes. It is truer to say there are no believers in theological colleges.
i have a question about this article.. https://www.jw.org/en/jehovahs-witnesses/faq/jw-education-school/.
higher education can lead to moral and spiritual dangers.
a bible proverb says: "the shrewd one sees the danger and conceals himself.
There should be no problem studying electronics or electrical engineering. Subjects which might disturb a young Christian student would include classes in philosophy and theology as well as sciences related to evolution like biology, geology, genetics etc.
A friend of mine who was contacted while studying electrical engineering at university was encouraged by the circuit overseer to complete his degree before making any decisions about pioneering.
kudos to @terry on this one.
watchtower july 15, 1952 page 426......... however, coming from apostate religious systems these brought with them many beliefs and practices which were, in fact, just so much wood material, hay and stubble.
among such were the beliefs that it was necessary to develop a beautiful character to get to heaven and that that was a christian’s chief duty; the notion that christians must appear sanctimonious and pious, evincing more concern over what men thought than over what god thought; false teachings such as that the political powers of this wicked world were the “higher powers” of romans 13:1 who must be obeyed even though they contradicted god’s expressed commandments; that a pile of stone in egypt constituted a witness to jehovah (isa.
It seems a bit strange that as late as 1952 (post-Rutherford) there was still a distinction being emphasized between Russell's time and beyond. The article (Watchtower July 15, 1952 page 426) continues to identify two classes among the Lord's people.
a team of lawyers has released the results of its survey on alleged child abuse by members of the jehovah's witnesses religious group in japan.. the team held a news conference in tokyo on monday.
it provides legal support to former members of the group as well as to children of its members.. the lawyers conducted the survey, following the publishing of the health and welfare ministry guidelines last year about child abuse related to parents' religious beliefs.
a total of 560 people responded.. the survey shows 81 percent of the respondents said they had cards indicating they desired to refuse blood transfusions.. the ministry's guidelines state that parents' refusal of medical treatments for children on religious grounds amounts to neglect --- a form of abuse.. the lawyers said investigations are necessary to find how many people died from refusing blood transfusions, and how many of them were children.. the survey also shows 92 percent of the respondents experienced whipping, 96 percent were banned from school activities, and 93 percent were forced to limit their human relations.. the lawyers said many of the children experienced physical and mental abuse, which afterward led to problems such as loneliness, sense of alienation and a lack of self-esteem.