From house to house, from door to door,
Jehovah's truths are spread;
From house to house, from door to door,
Jehovah's "sheep" are fed.
This "good news" of God's Kingdom royal,
As Jesus Christ foretold,
Is carried now from house to house
By Christians, young and old.
From house to house, from door to door,
Salvation now proclaim.
It comes upon all those who call
Upon Jehovah's Name.
But how can one call on a name
of one he does not know?
From house to house, from door to door,
That sacred Name must go.
From house to house, from door to door,
Christ Jesus led the way;
On mountain side and seashore wide
He taught and preached each day.
He then sent forth disciples true
To teach and preach as he.
From house to house, from door to door,
truth spread rapidly.
From house to house, from door to door,
And not from pulpits high,
The faithful twelve spread forth the news:
"God's Kingdom now is nigh."
Wrote Paul, who worked among them all:
"I worked not secretly;
From house to house, from door to door,
taught you publicly."
Of course, it's not at every door
We find a hearing ear;
At times there's but a scolding tongue,
And those who will not hear.
'Twas just the case in Jesus' day -
Not all would hear his word.
"My sheep will hear my voice", he said,
we are not deterred."
Then let us go from house to house
To spread the Kingdom news;
And, whether "sheep" or whether "goats",
We'll let the people choose.
At least we'll name Jehovah's Name;
His glorious truth declare.
From house to house, from door to door,
find his "sheep" are there!