Dear Darkly, I wrote to some of the other young people here that are questioning whether the "truth is really the truth". They have parents like you that would like to see their children grow in the "truth". I was once a long time ago a teenager like you questioning whether it was the truth or not. Well 35 years later I have come to the realization that if I had not questioned so much and put more of my energy into doing an investigation whether it was the truth or not instead of complaining about what my fleshly sister in the truth was making me do. Then I would of found the answer! If I was your Mother. I would be loving telling you like I do my 17 year old son that doesn't even believe in Jehovah now since me his Mom years ago got spirtually sick and got disfellowshipped. I would be requesting that you go online and do a search. I'd be telling you to look up their beliefs about the holidays and birthdays. And about the rise and fall of all the nations. And putting together about how all the wars of our 21th century down to this day all point to the end. Remember Jesus's mormon on the mount. Look up all the statatics of all the earthquakes, the dieases, and the global drug trackfling, and the horrible violences of all the peoples of the world. It all points to that one generation. Its so hard for your generation and my sons to see it. Cause I grew up in a different generation. And as a teenager I thought that the "end was close" just from the Vietman war. Well its a small war compared to the war to come. Soon they will do the draft again and by then I pray my son see the truth. I will pray for you too.. Ps. I almost wish I was a teenager at this late time and had the internet to search like you do.. Happy surfing!!
JoinedPosts by ladyofsmiles
update time
by thebiggestlie inok first of all i want to apologize for not coming in more often and saying hi, i guess im just lazy.
richierich did show me that thread from last week with yall asking about me and i intended to post but i completely forgot and other things got in the way but i do want to say thank you for being so kind and caring.
ok so i had my first elders meeting the other day with the subject at hand as "bad association" seeing that my parents caught me sneaking out to hang with my "worldly" girlfriend and her friends.
I'm 18 and I want my baptism undone.
by LtCmd.Lore ini was recently informed that i have the legal right to have my baptism nullified.
but apparently there is a time limit on it.
i have to do this before i turn 19. if i succeed, they will announce at a meeting that i was never a jehovahs witness, and i will not be disfellowshiped or disassociated.. i should also point out that i was baptised at age 9.
Dear Lore, I too was a teenager in the truth..but in my case I never got bapitized cause I wasn't sure at the end if it was the "Truth or not". Boy if only I hadn't fell asleep at the meetings. Maybe my miserable life wouldn't have happened. Maybe instead of being disfellowshipped and begging for a ride with my toddler in a dark cold alley along in a bad neighborhood I'd be celebrating my 30 wedding aniversity with my witness husband who loves me and adores me. But before you go running to undo your baptism why not use your time to investigate if its really the "truth". What I did after I left when I was 19 is I prayed to Jehovah..I said. "Jehovah..if you are really real bring someone to my door cause I don't believe my witness fleshly sister." And he did. I met a sister who later was there for 15 mintues. But the strange thing is that later I left going to meeting 3 years later she and her husband studied with me for a year in my home. So choices that we make now really can change our whole tomorrow! If only I hadn't stopped going to meetings. Then I wouldn't have married out of the truth and had 3 kids that later this exhusband lied in court and I never saw them again for 10 years. I saw them last Dec. and they don't know me. I have 3 kids now and they don't know the truth either. Because of the years of crying for them I got mentally, and physical and spiritualy sick. I pray you reconsider. This world isn't perfect. But if you have Jehovah on your side.. who can prevail against you....May Jehovah bless you and keep you safe at the Hall..
Taking control of my life....this is what i'm gonna do.
by R.F. inas many of you may know, i'm currently an ms and pioneer, and been missing meetings consistently for almost 2 months.
i have been concerned about my dad's reaction to me wanting to leave the org and he's been questioning me about missing meetings.
well i've decided now not to jump through the elders' hoops anymore.
Dear R.F... I don't know how old you are but I was once a teenager and young woman in the truth. I used to say to Jehovah years later.."If only my Mom had been in the truth than I wouldn't have been leading a double life and doing questionable things with a male friend of mine from the neighborhood. Yes..I was going thru all the hoops. I was doing all the right things. But my heart was not in it. My heart was thinking about..Oh if I could only do this and do that like the girls that hang on the corner. And I slowly faded away. And then one boyfriend and one abortion later and pain and sorrow. But later I went back and stayed for 15 years and got bapitized..I was living the good life with 3 kids even though a had married an exbeliever. But then my sin came back again and this time it was tragic. I was separted from my exhusband and a "so called brother" who later apostated was never leaving me alone. And we got disfellowship for un- cleanliness. I was in shock I did that. How could I. Then my husband beat my daughter and the exhusand not in the truth took my children and I never saw them again. So I divorced the brother who got disfellowshipped and he's not been back since. And we had a son who now doesn't believe in the truth. In the meantime I had another failed divorce and I was disfellowshipped years ago in which I confessed myself. But it was hard so hard to go back with 2 more kids born and one was special needs. I got depressed and old and unhappy. So I always go back to if only my sister in the truth had helped me more..if only my mom was in the truth. But the real truth is the FAULT LIED with ME. And my way of thinking. So if Jehovah is watching and hasn't forgoting me. Go to your Dad and confess and fall on your knees and beg forgiveness cause the end is so close I can almost taste it!! May Jehovah bless you and keep you safe..
Is anyone trying to go back to the K. Hall that lives in Philly.
by ladyofsmiles ini am a disfellowshipped j.w.
single mom that needs a ride cause i have to walk with a stroller with my 4 yr. old toddler to the oakland congreations on oakland st. this is a very dangerous area of the city and because its blocks away from frankford ave. and lights and stores we could be attacked.
please email me at: [email protected] if you are going to the same hall and also trying to be reinstated.
I am a disfellowshipped J.W. single Mom that needs a ride cause I have to walk with a stroller with my 4 yr. old toddler to the Oakland congreations on Oakland St. This is a very dangerous area of the city and because its blocks away from Frankford ave. and lights and stores we could be attacked. Please email me at: [email protected] if you are going to the same Hall and also trying to be reinstated. Thanks so much..Linda