you're welcome.
JoinedPosts by Chameleon
Any fluent Spanish speakers online right now?
by Confession injust looking to make sure my translation is correct on the following.
i think one of the words may be a typo:.
you are the air i need to breathe = usted es el aire que tengo que respirar.
Any fluent Spanish speakers online right now?
by Confession injust looking to make sure my translation is correct on the following.
i think one of the words may be a typo:.
you are the air i need to breathe = usted es el aire que tengo que respirar.
the "al" is a typo.
"esperandote" is correct.
Any fluent Spanish speakers online right now?
by Confession injust looking to make sure my translation is correct on the following.
i think one of the words may be a typo:.
you are the air i need to breathe = usted es el aire que tengo que respirar.
While most of that is correct, if you're close enough to someone to say all that, you wouldn't use words like "Usted," which is very formal. =p
You are the air I need to breathe=Tu eres el aire que necesito respirar. Necesito=need, tengo=have to.
You are the half that makes me whole=Tu eres la mitad que me hace completo. todo=everything
Only with you I feel so comfortable=Solo contigo me siento tan comodo
I have been waiting for you all my life!=He estado esperandote toda mi vida! or Te he estado esperando toda mi vida.
Hope this helps.
edit: damn, nvr beat me to it.
spain spanish is pretty much the same, I think, aside from a few words that no latin americans use, like "vosotros."
What are young JDubs doing after High School?
by Save My Soul inwhen i was young, many pioneered after hs or went to bethel.
that was normal.
it was not until 25, some realized they were waisting their life away and made changes / df.
college, in my area.
then again, i'm in los angeles, and i guess it's liberal here compared to, say, the midwest.
Do You Feel Good Telling Off The GB & Other Watchtower Officials Here?
by minimus indoes it make you feel good when you tell jaracz and company how much they suck, how they're gonna disintegrate and why you're so pissed?
minimus: an eye for an eye.
Do You Feel Good Telling Off The GB & Other Watchtower Officials Here?
by minimus indoes it make you feel good when you tell jaracz and company how much they suck, how they're gonna disintegrate and why you're so pissed?
Hell yeah; if they want the good life, they'll have to work for it. They'll get no money or time from me.
Would You Wear Religious Jewelry Comfortably Now???
by minimus inwould you honestly be comfortable to wear a cross, a crucifix or a religious medal of some sort?.
i'm curious as to how many would feel "weird" about it now..
Maybe an Ankh.
Watchtower Officials- Please Read This!
by nvrgnbk inyou are dying.. you are evaporating.. we're the only ones that care, and that's because you took so much from us all.. i used to think you were just misguided.. now i'm thinking that you are heartless and manipulative.. the fight against your lies and control is just beginning.. i say that not to minimize the tireless and valiant efforts of those who have spent years exposing your fraudulence.. i am indebted to these for easing my exit from your cult.. but a new generation is awakening.. we are not done with you.. i got my brother out who was an elder.. i got a ministerial servant out.. i got my son out.
he will not waste his youth on your lies.. i post on jwd in the hope of getting many more out.. i am working on a book about the lies surrounding 1914. .
we smell your fear, your terror.
Thanks; I don't know if you read sirnose's recent thread, but that's what happened to me in a way.
My parents know I have doubts, but we haven't talked about it since that day that I told them everything I knew.
So, they probably know I'm gone mentally, but they like to daydream, I guess.
A couple of days ago, I pointed out that a lot of JW things are like the Pharisees, and they didn't like it. Hahaha.
Watchtower Officials- Please Read This!
by nvrgnbk inyou are dying.. you are evaporating.. we're the only ones that care, and that's because you took so much from us all.. i used to think you were just misguided.. now i'm thinking that you are heartless and manipulative.. the fight against your lies and control is just beginning.. i say that not to minimize the tireless and valiant efforts of those who have spent years exposing your fraudulence.. i am indebted to these for easing my exit from your cult.. but a new generation is awakening.. we are not done with you.. i got my brother out who was an elder.. i got a ministerial servant out.. i got my son out.
he will not waste his youth on your lies.. i post on jwd in the hope of getting many more out.. i am working on a book about the lies surrounding 1914. .
we smell your fear, your terror.
Will they completely fade away?
I have no idea, but it has gotten weaker.
Personal experiences: I'm an MS, but I'm going to school for at least an associate's degree, if not a bachelor's, and I'll be gone as soon as I can move out. All the high school kids in the hall I'm in say they're going to college.
What you are listening to/What you listened to recently?
by KW13 ini am playing mr blue sky - electric light orchestra - love this song and matches the mood i am in right now.. you?.
nine inch nails-march of the pigs
"and doesn't it make you feel better? the pigs have won tonight"