During my early years a middle aged sis used to take the emblems and that prompted me to ask one of the elders but I was told just because a person claims and is counted as being anointed does not mean that they are of the anointed and that no - anointed ones scattered about are not asked to contribute information.
JoinedPosts by bernadette
Did you use to believe that all the annoited ones contributed information
by troubled mind inwhen i was little there were several elderly ones in our hall that were of the annointed class .
i was lead to believe that they sent in surveys of a sort to the society regularly.
about their opinoins on theocratic matters .i was told that they ,all the annointed, contributed material to the magazines .
UK paedophiles face castration
by fullofdoubtnow inthis is on yahoo news this morning.
i see it's going to be voluntary rather than compulsory which, for the prptection of children from such people, maybe it should be.
thanks Linda - hopefully these plans can be implemented soon.
What are you eating right now?
by Crumpet in(oh yes the market has not yet been cornered on fluffy inanities and i can compete with the best!).
i am having breakfast at my desk of blueberries, greek set natural yeo valley yoghurt hazelnuts and whole grain flakes.
i feel so virtuous....
I'm having a cup of tea and wondering whether to have some fruit yoghurt (vanilla and rhubarb marbled with plain yoghurt or porridge with raisins and walnuts or both
Do you still pray/talk to yourself like you used to?or wish very hard?
by Crumpet ini find that i still have an internal dialogue - a bit like i used to when i walked around talking to god like my life depended on it trying to cultivate that elusive relationship with him.
i like to call it internal dialogue because otherwise they could bring in the mental health professionals...don't ask me who "they" are - do i look/act/sound paranoid?!
so before "they" take me away: do you still find you talk to yourself in your head when you see things of especial beauty that might previously have inspired a prayer of thanks (and maybe still do - don't worry i am over with the castigation of the religious, for now!)?
I think you'll enjoy that book - it was recommended by Jst2Laws to Big tex on a previous thread. Below is more of the reading list. Crumpet's point about the aborigines is sort of backed up by what the book dscribes re the imaginal/theoretical realm of quantum physics and the Amit Goswami book about quantum mechanics.
from big tex's thread
I'm curious - which book on buddhism did jst2laws reccommend. I've browsed through books on buddhism in bookstores - but it seems such a big subject I've ended up not buying anythin.
Well actually I don't know if any of these books are about Buddhism. He and I had a rather metaphysical discussion (one which I found fascinating by the way), so I don't know if any of these books cover what you're interested in, but here's the list he sent me:
Spontaneous Fulfilment of Desire By Depack Chopra The Power of Intention By Wayne Dyer The Matter Myth by Paul Davies and John Gribbin Mind into Matter by Fred Alan Wolf The Field by Lynne McTaggert The Self-Aware Universe by Amit Goswami He said if you're looking for a place to start, begin with Depack Chopra's book (which I intend to this weekend when I get paid. ). I hope he chimes in, or starts a thread because I was really very interested in listening to what he had to say about this particular subject (life and death).
new here
by everyplanetwereachisdead inim new here.
i was raised as a jw by my mom.
my dad never accepted the religion.
Hi and welcome
Two JWs showed up at the door
by sass_my_frass in... well, at the driveway actually, i was getting into the car.
i recall that when i was out on the preach and people weren't where they were supposed to be (opening the door, surprised to see me, where i can catch them off guard) i didn't start by having complete control of the conversation.
these guys came around the corner and saw me and i had a few seconds to calm myself and try to remember what i'd intended to say to the next jw who calls by, and i nearly got all of it.
It went well I think, I delivered just that little thought in a way that it will stay with them for a while, because I didn't give them any reason to dismiss it.
good for you
Molested by JW who went to Bethel
by DeeR ini was molested by a jw.
he was a young man about 19 yrs.old and he went to bethel after molesting me and i was only about 12 or 13 yrs.old.
i have never told anyone because i was so afraid of being disfellowshipped for letting this happen to me.
Nice to meet you
Very sorry about the abuse you suffered as a 12/13 year old. That must have been horrible especially as your abuser was so respected in the wts. When will they stop allowing/covering up such abuse.
btw welcome hope you enjoy your time here with us.
A good fake name for an author
by OnTheWayOut inif we were to suppose that someone who wants to remain anonymous were to be writing .
about the watchtower society or his/her lifestory,.
and if we were to suppose that this writing were to start off their new career as an author, .
Gregor Smoumon
I cry for the Babys, the Young, and the Fools, who make war.
by frankiespeakin inwhat will it take for these fools to see the suffering they cause?
they should put them in a prison, and show them slides of all the babys, the children, that have been blown to bit by their foolishness, until they finally get it.
What will it take for these fools to see the suffering they cause? They should put them in a prison, and show them slides of all the babys, the children, that have been blown to bit by their foolishness, until they finally get it.
Who will look after the babies and children once the fools have been put in prison?
I suppose for now we can all cry for the babies, the young and the fools who make war and who knows - hurrah for possibilities. bernadette -
Do you still pray/talk to yourself like you used to?or wish very hard?
by Crumpet ini find that i still have an internal dialogue - a bit like i used to when i walked around talking to god like my life depended on it trying to cultivate that elusive relationship with him.
i like to call it internal dialogue because otherwise they could bring in the mental health professionals...don't ask me who "they" are - do i look/act/sound paranoid?!
so before "they" take me away: do you still find you talk to yourself in your head when you see things of especial beauty that might previously have inspired a prayer of thanks (and maybe still do - don't worry i am over with the castigation of the religious, for now!)?
I operate my thoughts on the premise that we are all subconsciously connected, and we get what we want (more or less) and we subconsciously want what we get. When i want something, i focus on that connection and on what i want. It seems to work. I still have to grab it when it comes along. The negatives in my subconscious are a little harder to deal w.
When i see some beautiful aspect of nature; a sunset, trees, flowers, whatever, my reaction is 'ahh', as i recognise directly the spirit and the universe, and my own spiritual connection w it. Mumbo jumbo, i guess.
SYeah crumpet, me too like mind as you and satanus. The beauty of the subconscious connection is that there is a lot of wisdom and tranquility to relax into. Nature inspires peace and beauty, but of course there is a lot of competing for survival going on at a seen and unseen level in nature - but its overall effect inspires trust and confidence in the present, the future and also the past. That's an interesting book you referred too, may read it one day. Have just finished reading Mind into Matter by Fred Alan Wolf. Quantum Physics made easy, think am gonna have to read it a few times though , but that's no prob because it is very interesting. bernadette