Not seen any of them yet, but hoping to, just bought the Ring1&2 on DVD set , any good? hoping to see Ringu as well any comments on em?
JoinedPosts by buriram
SAW III - A review of the movie
by Elsewhere inunfortunately i can only review the first 5 or 10 minutes of the show as a result of the fact that i got seriously nauseous twice in that time period resulting in my having to walk out.
simply put, that show is seriously f. i've never been a big fan of horror movies because the plot lines and acting have traditionally been of extraordinary poor quality.
the main characters always make some seriously stupid decision and end up being killed by... whatever.
A bethelites RULES to room with him
by What-A-Coincidence in1) cologne, aerosol spray, solvent base products.
i am hypersensitive to solvents.
solvents used in aerosol sprays, cologne, perfumes affect my health.
Why is the kitchenette off limits? What about if the room mate wants to make a snack and cup of coffee? Sounds like real fun that guy
The Atheist's Book of Bible Stories - new - The Demon of Saskatchewan
by RunningMan inwell, i have once again put finger to keyboard and produced another article.
i have to say that i have never had as much fun with a subject as with this one.
you can really see the goofyness of religion under the demon microscope.
Good stuff R/M , when the Band The Jesus and Mary Chain were playing in London they also asked if there were Dubs in the audience and asked them to leave
Who all has been offered the new tract?
by Nosferatu inwow, i didn't think jws went out during the day anymore.
it's probably even worse than trying to find people at home on a saturday morning!.
they knocked on our door, and my wife answered.
Still waiting for mine , we never got knocked on here, have not even seen Dubs on street work where we live.....
The Two Faces of a JW
by Nosferatu init always amazed me how jws can have almost two different personalities.
it's not quite like having a double life, but it's the hypocricy of jws themselves.. i remember going to those meetings and seeing everyone with their plastic smiles, as if they were the greatest people in the world.
but you lift the curtain of their home lives, and their true personalities come out.. my mother was an entirely different person at the meetings.
Funny that my wife would portray herself as this poor abused wife who's husband had become an apostate, blah blah blah, yet when she came home was bad tempered, violent, moody, and her language was peppered with the F and C word as well.
Do you rather an automatic or manual transmission?
by JH in.
my first cars were all "manual" and they were small cars, cheap on gas.. then later on in life, i spoiled myself and bought automatic cars.. last week, i tried a manual yaris, and wasn't that comfortable with the manual transmission.
maybe it's the fact that i didn't drive a manual car in 6 years.. just wondering if anyone here after driving automatic transmission cars since many years, if you would come back to manual..
I rather an auto , me dont like those damn shifters
So how do you keep your clothes hangers tidy?
by ozziepost inok, fluffy time!.
mrs ozzie and i are just back home and so there's plenty of laundry to do - that's my job, and i quite enjoy it, but there's one thing that spoils it for me and that's the clothes hangars!.
you know how it goes, some hangars for pants, some for skirts, some for shirts, and then some are plastic, some are steel and some are those confounded wire hangars you get from the dry cleaners.. they're always getting tangled up; it doesn't matter how well i stack them (i've got a basket for them), when i get out in the yard to hang out the clothes, there's always one, it only takes one!
Ikea is usually good for that kind of thing I hear.
Nothing but Bad News Lately
by Undecided inmy wifes nephew tried to commit suicide again, my step-son just called and has been diagnosed as having diabetes, and my grandson just lost his job.
what's next?.
ken p..
North Korea could Nuke us all.
Nothing but Bad News Lately
by Undecided inmy wifes nephew tried to commit suicide again, my step-son just called and has been diagnosed as having diabetes, and my grandson just lost his job.
what's next?.
ken p..
I see no ships just hardships!
GoOdy NiGht!
by TheKings ini don't know if that's the universal jw term for potluck nights or if all congregations have them but all the ones i went to had a potluck night at the book studies once a month.
does anybody have any good stories related to these occasions?
tonight my family is going to a potluck night and as usual they asked me to make something for it.
Barn dances were the thing in our cong although they were usually crap