Good question , I used to but now do not hate them as people but hate what they stand for.
JoinedPosts by buriram
Do you hate Jehovah's Witnesses?
by The wanderer in<!-- .style1 {font-family: arial, sans-serif} .style2 { font-size: 14px; font-family: arial, sans-serif; } .style3 {color: #ff0000} -->
do you hate jehovah's witnesses?
since becoming a member of this board, it has often come.
My Ex is suicidal, apparently
by dmouse insome of you might remember my story from years ago - how i became an 'apostate' which effectively ended my marriage of 20 years.
how my wife subjected me to intense psychological abuse when i left 'the truth'.. my son ben, whom i love deeply, left when he was dragged into the back room and told he was being used by satan to corrupt the congregation (he was only15) because he was gay.. my dearest middle daughter charlotte, who has more common sense than all of us put together, 'left' on her 14th birthday.
she was dragged out of the house in her bare feet to be taken to the meeting, and because i intervened i spent the next year on a camp bed in the front room.. in the end, i could not stand the abuse and left.
Wow that's a huge story , never read your original thread but good luck to you mate , and hope all your kids are ok.
The Best One-liners for Witnesses
by gordon d inwhat have been the most effective reasons that you've given to the people that you love for why you're no longer a witness?
considering that most dubs have the attention span of a 2 year old for anything from an a-prostate, please be consise and succint with your answers.
just trying to plant some seeds of reasoning.... maybe in-depth discussions with those folks will come at a later time.
For me to tell anyone who was never a Dub was simple ; I give blood.
Talking to a DF'd sister...
by SoBizzy ini am not df'd and have not da'd, just faded the last six years - anyway i was remembering a time when i was about 18 or 19 and a very good friend that i had grown up with was df'd for fornication - well she was finally coming back to the hall to get reinstated and i hadn't seen or spoken to her for more than a year - so when she showed up at the hall one night i told my mom i was going to say hi!
remember, she was still df'd - my mom said i shouldn't and i told her i don't care - i had missed my friend and wanted to just say hi!
i said to my friend - "i just wanted to say that i missed you and happy to see you back!
Same me in my last couple of years I always spoke the the DF'ed ones who came to the meeting even used to follow them out of the hall, but found them so paranoid and insecure, worst then the RAF, they were so obsessed about getting re-instated, that I might have hindered it, .. sad really.
Apologists--and your perspective of them
by The wanderer in<!-- .style1 {font-family: arial, sans-serif} .style2 {font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; } .style3 {font-family: arial, sans-serif; color: #990000; } --> apologists and your perspective of them every so often on this discussion board an individual who.
is a devout supporter and defender of the watchtower.
society makes there appearance known.
S o Dubs are posting time on their F/S sheet on an apostate site?......... What would the elders think? So a lot of pioneers must be putting 100 hrs / month easy?
Beards, when were they banned?
by GramblingMan ini know it has been talked about before, but does anyone have information as to when jw started banning beards.
my wife is telling me that it started in the 60/70's because of the hippies, but i know i read somewhere on here that it was much earlier.. .
can you imagine when the n/s comes and you are about to be destroyed by Jehoooobahhhhhh because.... YOU HAVE A GOATEEEE........
Does anybody feel like if not for the Internet we could have still been in
by ladione5000 inthe dark?
walking around knocking on peoples doors and telling them they are going to die if they do not follow our beliefs?.
i for one feel like this is the new world, and there is just no stopping this super highway we call the internet... it is like a whole new world, we can now talk and meet people around the world.
Dont give the net too much credit, I came out after listening to a Radio prog about cults!
That was in 92
Heartwarming experience from China
by What-A-Coincidence in!gag alert!!!.
subject: fwd: heartwarming experience from china.
an experience given by a brother in a congregation up north.
Very likely 1 billion people , Muslim , christian , ET al , all sorts of things are a happening there.
Heartwarming experience from China
by What-A-Coincidence in!gag alert!!!.
subject: fwd: heartwarming experience from china.
an experience given by a brother in a congregation up north.
Jw experiences in China must be the late 80's version of USSR , like how many JWS were studying underground etc...
Heartwarming experience from China
by What-A-Coincidence in!gag alert!!!.
subject: fwd: heartwarming experience from china.
an experience given by a brother in a congregation up north.
100% B/s ...... who do they think they are CIA , MI6 , KGB .......... please....... LOL