A blast from the past:
Here is the convention schedule and a related article from the 1969 Watchtower. Yes, the one in Atlanta was an 8 day assemby, but some were shorter. The program ran all day and all evening in any case.
The article is encouraging people who are studying to " Make it your first assembly". What were they thinking?
Imagine the cost of staying in a motel for 8 nights with a family!! I don't know how my poor parents did it -- but we NEVER missed a single assembly.
This is the info:
Watchtower, 1969, March 15 issue p. 189 "Why Not Make It Your First Assembly?"
Perhaps you are wondering what actually takes place at one of these larger assemblies. Let’s take a look at the activities of one day as noted in a typical program. At nine o’clock in the morning the first brief session opens with song, followed by a fifteen-minute discussion of the Bible text for that day as set out in the YearbookofJehovah’sWitnesses. Then, after prayer for Jehovah’s blessing on the field ministry, many of those in attendance move out to share in the house-to-house visits, spreading the Kingdom message and distributing invitations to the assembly. Some who have never shared in this service go along as observers with experienced Witnesses. As time permits they may also see some of the historic sites and other places of interest in the vicinity of the convention city.
After the midday meal the conventioners again assemble. Some delightful, real-life experiences are recounted by Witnesses from various parts of the earth, and then follow the afternoon sessions. These may include short Bible lectures, interesting demonstrations having to do with the ministry of Jehovah’s witnesses, and perhaps a fascinating Bible drama enacted by Witnesses dressed in appropriate costume.
Next, there is an adjournment for some two hours, offering opportunity to go and enjoy a meal with other friendly delegates at the assembly’s well-organized cafeteria. Here there is time to chat and get acquainted with other Witnesses, young and old, from various parts of the country. Then the evening sessions continue until about 9 p.m. Throughout the entire day the program is marked by variety and a wealth of information that grips the attention of the audience. And every part of the program brings to view new slants on Bible information—things you may never have thought about before.HOWITCANBEDONE
Watchtower, 1969, January 15 issue p. 63:
July6-13: Atlanta Stadium, Atlanta, Ga., U.S.A.; Cleveland Municipal Stadium, Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A. (tentative).July7-13: Yankee Stadium, New York, N.Y., U.S.A. (includes Spanish).July13-20: Empire Stadium, Vancouver, B.C., Canada; Fairgrounds Grandstand, Pomona, Calif., U.S.A. (Spanish).July14-20: Dodger Stadium, Los Angeles, Calif., U.S.A.July21-27: White Sox Park, Chicago, Ill., U.S.A. (includes Spanish); Municipal Stadium, Kansas City, Mo. (tentative).July29–Aug.3: Wembley Stadium, London, England.Aug.5-10: Colombes Stadium, Paris, France; Sports Park, Copenhagen, Denmark.Aug.10-17: Zeppelinwiese, Nuremberg, Germany; Palazzo dello Sport, Rome, Italy.Aug.13-17: Palazzo dei Congressi, Rome, Italy (Greek, Spanish).Oct.12-16: Changchoong Gymnasium, Seoul, Korea.Oct.14-19: Tokyo, Japan.Oct.18-21: Taipei, Taiwan; City Hall Theater, Hong Kong, China.Oct.22-26: Rizal Memorial Stadium, Manila, Philippine Republic.Oct.24-26: Port Moresby, Papua.Oct.26-31: Melbourne Showgrounds, Melbourne, Australia.Nov.4-9: Auckland Trotting Club, Auckland, New Zealand.Nov.9-12: Town Hall, Suva, Fiji; Papeete, Tahiti.Nov.11-16: Honolulu International Center (Arena), Honolulu, Hawaii.Dec.24-28: Mexico Arena, Mexico City, Mexico.