I believe some mining companies will even help with tution.They will fly you around the world
see maclean's mag
i had started a topic like this a few months ago but i thought it might be usefull to ask you again.
i really need advise from persons who live in the following countries: usa, canada, uk.
I believe some mining companies will even help with tution.They will fly you around the world
see maclean's mag
i had started a topic like this a few months ago but i thought it might be usefull to ask you again.
i really need advise from persons who live in the following countries: usa, canada, uk.
I believe some mining companies will even help with tution.They will fly you around the world
see maclean's mag
page 26,p15.
'paying careful attention to any direction that we receive through jehovah's organization(gb) and applying it at once.. many who have rid themselves of needless debt can testify that applying wise counsel(of the gb) to simplify their life.
has benefited them during the recent economic crises".
Page 26,p15
'Paying careful attention to any direction that we receive through Jehovah's organization(GB) and applying it at once.
Many who have rid themselves of needless debt can testify that applying wise counsel(of the GB) to simplify their life
has benefited them during the recent economic crises"
That statement reminded me of what a bethelite said some years ago in his closing talk at a circuit assembly.
Quote"3,300 were told (were told) to leave New York bethel.How much more could they simplify-GB.
p3-6 ECUADOR-Lack of basic services such as electricity and running water.Heat,dust lack of hot showers.
How much more can thet simplify-GB.
p25 In a number of lands where living conditions are chellenging many publishers have a simple lifestyle.
Is your statement applicable and wise.
No it is your selfish greed to kick 3,300 poor soul out ot HQ so you could make a fast buck when the real estate was hot.
You should read your wt mag before you publish it.
i posted on another thread about a couple of my experiences of meeting the governing body while i was in brooklyn.
i wanted to see if anyone else had any experiences along these same lines.
i met most of the ones that were current during the 2001-2003 years.
I personally heard two GB menbers speak(,they are good speakers and are sincere.
I totally disagree of those who protray that the GB are good people.I have no use for anyone
who has destroyed and ruin families with their propaganda.Such families as Bowen,Anderson,lady Lee
and others.Dictators are good speakers and are good people to some but look at the damage to others.
Christ alone said "They believe they are Jehovahs chosen people and that he deals with them directly."
He also mentioned a lot of other things the the GB thinks highly of themselves. I say it more like
AUDITORYHALLUCINTIONS.Maybe they have psychosis or are psychotic and hear voives or are delusionally.
i invite king solomon and anyone else that is interested, to discuss if believing in god may be helpful.
i am not restricting the discussion to the biblical god.
i'm ready to look if this belief may be helpful both from a societal and from an individual point of view.
By the looks of the world today, it seems that a believe in a higher power is bad for mankind.
according to the wt study yesterday, that's what happened.. 16. by allowing jehovah to instruct us and lead us in the path of uprightness, we will have no cause for fear.
when a regular pioneer in the united states applied for a job that would help him to keep his entire family in full-time service, his supervisor told him that he would never get that position without a college degree.
had this happened to you, would you have regretted pursuing full-time service to the exclusion of seeking higher education?
About the girl finding cash,I cannot for the life of me figure out why they ALWAYS SAY
"do you know why I gave this cash back,BECAUSE I AM A JEHOVAHS WITNESSES"
Any normal human being will turn it in without batting an eye,because it is the right
thing to do.Also if you advertize something like that, it does not come from the heart
but obligation.To me it is shameful if you have to say because I am so and so.You
are not being honest.
working downtown today and i just saw two groups of jw's doing street work.
the 1st pair was a coupla young brothers who reminded me of myself when i was young and dumb.. the 2nd set was a couple older brothers (guessing 30 or 40's) doing the green mile walk of death.
i mean these 2 cats were walking at speeds reserved for those 73 and older.
Is that the same as::::::::::Prostitutes performing pole-dances in the street to attract clients.
many are looking forward to the new iphone 5 after awhile they will be disappointed.. just like jw always looking forward to a new release at d.c. only to be disappointed.. they always look for some new see new always intrigues but never satisfies..
Sorry,I did not say it correctly.
What I meant is people are looking forward to get a new iphone and
when they do,they will use it 24/7,examine it inside out.Bragg to friends.
And will be talking endless on it or watch movies etc.
When JW get or got the new releases at this years D.C. did they
talk about them or just scan thru the books and now they are collecting dust.
Did any JW watch their great awesome dvd of that stupid magic character.what was his name.
You know what Iam saying.
many are looking forward to the new iphone 5 after awhile they will be disappointed.. just like jw always looking forward to a new release at d.c. only to be disappointed.. they always look for some new see new always intrigues but never satisfies..
Many are looking forward to the new iphone 5 after awhile they will be disappointed.
Just like JW always looking forward to a new release at D.C. only to be disappointed.
They always look for some new thing.You see new always intrigues but never satisfies.
lets go back in time when:.
refrigerator replaced the ice box.
light bulb replaced coal oil lamp.
Lets go back in time when:
Refrigerator replaced the ice box
light bulb replaced coal oil lamp
in door plumbing and toilet paper replaced
the outhouse,sear catalague for rears and sorebutts,grass,corncobs
and what ever they used for ass wipe and its wasn't something to look
forward to at 40 degrees below zreo.
Would any of this come about if they put kingdom interests first and said the
NEW SYSTEM is around the corner and materialism is of little value.
Well you can go back to the outhouse and wipe your ass with corncobs.